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1.3 Land Inventory <br />Santa Ana received a RHNA allocation of zoo units for the 2014 -2021 housing <br />element. We will review the existing land inventory and work with City staff to <br />remove any sites that have been developed, rezoned for nonresidential use, or <br />otherwise altered to no longer be usable in the housing element. <br />If the Harbor Corridor Plan rezonings take place too late in 2013 to be counted <br />for development potential during the 2008 -2014 planning period, the City will <br />be subject to a carryover of up to 987 lower income units. In the event of a <br />carryover RHNA, we will meet the combined lower income RHNA through <br />development potential in the Harbor Corridor Plan and possibly a small portion <br />of the Metro East Overlay. <br />Based on housing construction and permitting information provided by the <br />City, we will update the maps, tables, figures, and narrative within Appendix C <br />(Housing Resources). We agree with City staff's position that these portions of <br />the Element should only change to the degree necessary. Some emphasis will <br />be removed from housing sites in the downtown (formerly Renaissance <br />Specific Plan) and on the First and Fifth Street transit corridors. <br />City staff will draft a compressed version of Section 3 (Housing Resources) in <br />the Framework. We will review the City's edits and revise as necessary. <br />1.4 Housing Plan <br />Preparation of the housing plan will require a housing program evaluation to <br />document the City's progress in implementing the adopted housing element <br />programs. Annual reports to HCD and staff input are the key resources for this <br />evaluation. We will synthesize the information we have into a policy and <br />program matrix for staff to complete. City staff shall consolidate their edits <br />into a single matrix to avoid duplicative or inconsistent direction or edits. <br />Information provided in this matrix will allow the consultant team to identify <br />policy and program problem areas. <br />Legislative updates and input from the public, stakeholders, City staff, and <br />appointed and elected officials will also influence revisions to the goals, <br />policies, and programs. The dissolution of the redevelopment agency will <br />affect program funding, so we anticipate that a program or programs related <br />to applying for and obtaining alternate financial resources will be an important <br />feature in the S`h cycle. <br />Deliverable(s): <br />— Policy and Program Evaluation Matrix Working Document <br />1.4.1 Optional Health and Wellness Focus <br />We will identify programs and policies related to health and wellness to <br />complement and integrate with the update of the circulation Element and the <br />new plan for Harbor Boulevard. This effort is not intended to recast the <br />housing element, but rather provide a meaningful way to integrate health and <br />air quality benefits into the housing policy framework. <br />