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ADDENDUM <br />PARK USE <br />A. Licensee must obtain the prior written approval from Licensor for the installation of any <br />facilities, including any subsequent modifications. Licensee will maintain all facilities in a safe <br />condition satisfactory to Licensor. <br />B. At any time, Licensor may require the relocation of any portion of the facilities. Licensee will <br />relocate same, at its expense, to a location satisfactory to Licensor within sixty (60) days after <br />receiving notice to relocate from Licensor. <br />C. At Licensee's expense, Licensee will post signs at all access points to the Property that read: <br />"No Kite Flying, Model Airplanes or Metallic Balloons Permitted, High Voltage Wires Overhead." <br />D. At Licensee's expense, Licensee will post signs at all access points of the Property that read: <br />"No Motorcycles, Motorbikes, Horseback Riding or Hunting Permitted." <br />E. Licensee must close the park at any time Licensor deems it necessary for the safety of the <br />general public. If it is necessary to close the park for a period of more than three days, Licensee <br />will notify the general public of the closure by posting at all access points to the property. <br />F. At Licensee's expense, Licensee will install removable post -type barriers designed to <br />accommodate Licensor's locks, to prevent unauthorized vehicular use or parking, including but <br />not limited to, motorcycles, off -road vehicles, and "all- terrain" vehicles. <br />G. Trespass discouragers shall be installed on Licensor's towers. The discourager installation will <br />be performed by Licensor. Licensee shall pay Licensor in advance, for all Licensor's direct and <br />indirect costs associated with the engineering, purchase, and installation of the discouragers. <br />All towers shall be equipped with signs so worded as to wam the public of the danger of <br />climbing the towers. Such signs shall be placed and arranged so that they may be read from <br />the four corners of the structure. Such signs shall be neither less than 8 feet nor more than 20 <br />feet above the ground except where the lowest horizontal member of the tower or structure is <br />more than 20 feet above the ground in which case the sign shall be not more than 30 feet <br />above the ground. <br />H. Licensee must design and construct all walkways, underground sprinkler systems, ligl-:ing <br />facilities, and drains to be capable of withstanding a gross load of forty (40) tons on a three - <br />axle vehicle. <br />-5- <br />11.20.2012_V9.1 <br />Initial( <br />Licensor /Licensee <br />