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<br />Once a Service Provider is ready to exit a youth participant. SAWC is consulted to determine the best exit <br />suhtcgy. The objective is to make sure that the youth has received quality and necessary assistance to <br />improve their situation and meet W'IA Performance Measures. As the Scrvice Navigator, the SAWC is <br />responsible for reviewing every exit form. requesting data validation if necessary for all outcomes <br />claimed, obtaining post-test score forms, making sure that alt activities are closed, and ensuring that <br />exiting the youth is in the best interest of the youth first and then to the YSPN as a whole. Once that has <br />been established, all exit forms and pertinent information are inputted into the tracking system and copies <br />are made and sent to the MIS unit for entry into the JTA system. Follow-up services will be conducted for <br />one year for each exited participant by the responsible Service Provider. Follow-Up forms will be <br />submitted to the SAWC for review, for input into the tracking system, for data validation, and to enter <br />into the JFA system. <br />J0I3 DEVELOPMENT & PLACEMENT <br />The SAWC has a comprehensive realm of services available through its partnership with local businesses <br />and organization. The SAWC is an integral part of the City's Economic Development Division that also <br />manages the Enterprise Zone Programs. The Enterprise Zone program is designed to promote business <br />growth and job generation by offering State tax credits and highly vatuable economic incentives to <br />businesses. Many of our Santa Ana residents including youth qualify for these tax credits. <br />It is through our experience, expertise, and partnerships with businesses and community partners, we are <br />able to provide the community with quality job placement assistance and offer connections to a strong <br />labor market. The SAWC will offer assistance and guidance in job placement by notifying Service <br />Providers and youth ofjob opportunities, employer on-site hiring recruitments, and job fairs. SAWC will <br />notity Service Providers daily via electronic mail and/or flyers regardingjob announcernents. The Youth <br />Help Desk will also be available to assist youth looking for employment by providing them with job <br />search assistance, job opening, resume assistance, labor market information and demand occupations. <br />In addition the SAWC utilizes a robust job matching software to post local job openings, upload resumes, <br />and automatically match job seekers to the openings that tit their interests, skills, and availability. As an <br />added value, youth that are job ready will have their resume uploaded by the Navigator staff into the job <br />matching software to assist in placing them with local companies. Furthermore, the SAWC integrated <br />one-stop service system and various partners including EDD, allows more individual assistance for our <br />older youth to find employment. Workshops on resume writing and interviewing techniques are just a <br />few of the added components to help them find employment. <br />PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT <br />The SAWC, through its extensive experience in administering Federal and State funded programs, <br />undersrmds that WIA performance management is vital to the success of the YSPN. As the Service <br />Navigator, the SAWC prepares and trains staff on WIA performance measures and any new and updated <br />legislation. Staff attends training through DOE and attends the annual California Workforce Association <br />Conferences to Stay updated with the most recent legislation and requirements regarding WIA. This is <br />just one example of our commitment to helping the YSPN stay in compliance and in meeting at[ FedcraL <br />State, and locally mandated performance measures. The SAWC also provides training on Common <br />Measures to allow all Service Providers to have a basic understanding of what Common Measures are and <br />how they will affect them individuall) and as a network. <br />The SAU C will provide all Service Providers with individual exit oversight. Staff will meet individually <br />with each Service Provider to go over exit strategies for each youth actively enrolled on their case load <br />7