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<br />Accounts PaN able <br />YSPN service provider invoices with accompanying documentation are received and reviewed by the <br />accounting staff for allowable and reasonable expenditures and for completeness of documentation. Any <br />discrepancies are reported back to the Service Provider with requests for additional documentation as <br />needed. The imoices are assigned account numbers and approved for payment. Community Development <br />Agency :Administrative staff prepares the request for payment, attach the necessary documentation and <br />forward to the Finance Accounts Payable unit for entry into the City's accounting system. Checks are <br />issued according to City policies and timelines. <br />General operating costs of the SAWC are processed in a similar manner. Invoices are reviewed by the <br />accounting staff who assigns the relevant account code based on the chart of account established by the <br />City. The invoices are approved and forwarded for processing and payment. At the end of the month, <br />expense reports are prepared by account and distributed to the various agencies within the City. <br />I'm roll <br />As part of the City of Santa Ana, SAWC staff is paid twice a month. Time sheets are completed by all <br />stall indicating functions and programs that have been worked on during that particular pay period. That <br />information, with the accompanying account numbers, is entered into the payroll system by the Senior <br />Accounting Assistant. Payroll dollar amounts are posted to the accounting system and are reflected on the <br />monthly financial reports. <br />Procurement <br />The SAWC follows the City of Santa Ana's procurement policies as well as federal and state regulations <br />related to procurement. Purchase requisitions for items over $500 are entered into the accounting system <br />and approved by the finance staff at City Hall. Buyers from the Purchasing Department review the <br />requisitions and issue purchase orders following City policies and prOCednt'es. When the goods are <br />received by SAWC, staff compares the goods delivered to the purchase requisition for completeness and <br />accuracy. The purchase order paperwork is approved, signed and returned to the Purchasing department. <br />Payment for the goods is initiated through the Purchasing department following City procedures. <br />ORGANIZATAIONAL STRENGTHS <br />The SAWC brings over 30 years of experience operating various federally, state and locally funded <br />employment and training programs, and has consistently met or exceeded performance expectations. <br />Listed below are some of our organizational strengths. <br />A Mate recognized, award-winning entity with a proven record in leadership, workforce innovation. <br />service integration and quality services. <br />2. A One-Stop Center with versatility in its service delivery that is capable of addressing the needs of <br />diverse target populations resulting in the diversification of multiple funding streams. <br />3. Ability to effectively leverage resources across an extensive network of partner agencies and <br />community organization. Demonstrated fiscal stability and program sustainability over the past 20 <br />years. <br />4. Lxceptional track record in successfully implementing the following programs: WIA Adult, <br />Dislocated Worker, Youth Formula Grants, Rapid Response, National Fmergency Grants, <br />Governor's I;U'Q discretionary Grants, 25% Grants, DOL Welfare-to-Work Grant, DOL Faith-based <br />9