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1 i . <br />II rnininu and Conferences: California Workforce Association hosts an annual Youth Conference held <br />locallv.? It provides staff kith current information on youth programs throughout the state as kell as <br />updates on current and pending legislation. <br />Nliscelluneous Office Supplies: Office supplies cover the cost of office supplies including but not limited <br />to paper, pencils. pens, folders. duplicating costs and postage. All supplies are purchased under the City <br />of Santa Ana's purchasing agreements. Postage is charged by the City's Reprographics Division based on <br />actual usage. Gas charges are based on usage by City vehicles. <br />Vehicle Lease: The vehicle lease covers the cost of a car provided by the City of Santa Ana and includes <br />maintenance. <br />fl Maintenance and IS Strategic Plan: Computer and internet services are maintained by the ff division <br />of the City of Santa Ana. fhe fees are based on the charges assessed by the City to the Santa Ana Wort. <br />Center. <br />Insurance: Insurance is provided by the City of Santa Ana and is based on the rate assessed by the City to <br />the Santa Ana Work Center. <br />Indirect Costs: An indirect cost rate of 6.06% based on salaries is charged by the City of Santa Ana as a <br />part of the City's overall cost allocation plan. The rates are calculated annually. <br />I ransportation Passes: Bus passes and gas cards will be available to youth who need assistance and are <br />unable to receive transportation support through other means. <br />14