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Santa Ana, City of Grant No. SC14385 <br />Schedule A - Description (continued) <br />Sobriety Checkpoint Grant Program for 2013-2014 <br />Phase II: Mobilization (December 13, 2013 - January 1, 2014 and August 15, 2014 - September 1, 2014) <br />7. After the statewide kick-off press event in December, grantee should issue a press release announcing the kick-off of <br />this grant using the OTS kick-off press release template provided by SafeTREC. <br />8. If an AVOID media campaign is active in the county, grantee should notify the AVOID Coordinator of checkpoint <br />locations, dates and times at least fourteen (14) days in advance of all planned checkpoints. The AVOID Coordinator <br />should issue press releases including checkpoints conducted during the mobilization periods to all major media outlets in <br />the region. <br />should distribute a separate press release using the OTS template provided <br />re to be conducted within a seven (7) day period in which case one press <br />at covers all operations will suffice. When using the OTS press release <br />ould forward press releases, media advisories, alerts, and other press <br />tribution to the media. If an other Press release format or copy is used, <br />he OTS Public Informs ion icer a io <br />o ov or his review. Optimum <br />operation. The approved press releases ou a so a sent to SafeTREC. <br />Llo <br />that report the results of checkpoints, grantee does not need to have the <br />10. Use OTS's tagline, "Report Drunk Drivers. Call 911" on all news releases and checkpoint publication materials. <br />11. Conduct roll call training. Roll call training costs are not reimbursable. <br />12. To better identify and apprehend drug-impaired drivers in addition to alcohol-impaired drivers, it is highly <br />recommended that all personnel assigned o staff the greeting lane of the checkpoint be Drug Recoggnition Experts <br />(DREs) and/or Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE) trained sworn officers. At the very minimum, <br />all officers contacting drivers in the greeting lane should be NHTSA SFST trained and certified. <br />13. Begin the checkpoint no earlier than 1800 hours and if possible and practicable, operate the checkpoint until 0300 <br />hours. <br />14. Conduct the last checkpoint no later than September 30, 2014. <br />Phase III: Post Operational Data Reporting (at the end of each mobilization period and each applicable calendar <br />quarter) <br />15. Submit post-operational data on-line for checkpoints conducted during the Winter Holiday and Labor Day <br />mobilizations. Submit data by the SafeTREC deadlines. <br />16. Submit post-operational data on-line for checkpoints conducted outside the mobilization periods. Submit the data by <br />the end of the applicable quarter. If multiple checkpoints are conducted during a quarter, summarize(total) the <br />checkpoint statistics. <br />17. Issue to the media a post-operational news release reporting the results of the checkpoint. Any drug impaired <br />driving arrests (23152(a)) and other drug arrests (possession, transportation, for sale) made as the result of the <br />checkpoint operation should be incorporated into the post-operational media release. <br />Phase IV: Claim Submission (at the end of the applicable calendar quarter) <br />18. Compile actual overtime and checkpoint supply costs incurred for operating the grant-funded checkpoints. <br />19. Download the claim form from the SafeTREC web site at: <br /> - 2014checkpoint. htm I <br />20. Complete the claim form for the applicable quarter in accordance with Schedule B - Detailed Budget Estimate and <br />Schedule B-1 - Budget Narrative. <br />21. Mail the claim forms for the quarter, with the required supporting documentation (specified in Schedule B-1) to <br />SafeTREC following the end of the applicable calendar quarter. <br />page 4 <br />20A-6