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FULL PACKET_2013-10-21
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
FULL PACKET_2013-10-21
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4/6/2017 4:18:08 PM
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10/17/2013 3:06:22 PM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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(Item 4 is taken out of order.) <br />4. Jail Operations Overview <br />A discussion was held regarding the operations of the City Jail. An overview and update of jail <br />operations and its history was given by Jail Administrator Ann Matulin. Administrator Matulin <br />mentions that we currently have contracts with Irvine PD, ICE, and the U.S. Marshall's. The <br />contract with ICE is not a part of Secure Communities. <br />PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />Evangeline Gawronski states that Alvaro Nunez, Code Enforcement for the City, said there is a <br />new ordinance which will allow garages to be turned into apartments. She is very concerned <br />about parking, among other things. Jay Trevino, Executive Director, Planning & Building, <br />explains that the process to get approval would be very, very difficult. <br />Pierre Desjardins, owner Bistro 400, says that he supports all the changes being made regarding <br />the alcohol and entertainment permits. He provides the Committee with letters he has received <br />from the different organizations within Santa Ana who also support these changes. <br />Jennifer Teodoro, resident, speaks about the trauma that she and her family have experienced <br />with ICE coming to their home in the middle of the night. She says that she learned that children <br />of undocumented parents are not taken into account in conversations about immigration <br />enforcement. She further addresses Chief Rojas and Councilman Benavides directly saying, in <br />part, that "your cooperation with ICE causes irreversible damage. I know you have the power to <br />say no to ICE, and you can keep families together. And I know that the City Councilmembers <br />have the power to pass the city's ordinance cancelling the ICE contract and saying Santa Ana <br />will no longer honor any ICE hold requests. I would like to end with a question for the City <br />Councilmembers. How would you like it if ICE came pounding at your door and traumatized <br />your children? Think about it." <br />Alexis Nava Teodoro talks about the jail administration and the relationship that this city has <br />with the Department of Homeland Security, via ICE and Customs enforcement. He states that <br />this city government entered into an agreement with ICE to house detainees, but they are actually <br />parents and mothers. He says that there have been several counties and cities that have passed <br />ordinances where their jail administrations and their county officers do not honor ICE hold <br />requests because of the controversy that they carry. He says there is an amendment in the <br />Constitution that talks about the commandeering doctrine that says the federal government <br />cannot impose its programs on local jurisdictions. Teodoro addresses the Council Committee <br />13B-2
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