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FEHR PEERS <br />MEMORANDUM <br />Date: October 8, 2013 <br />To: Karen Haluza AICP, City of Santa Ana <br />From: Christopher Gray AICP, Fehr & Peers <br />Subject. Parking Study- The 301 East Jeanette Lane Project in Santo Ana <br />This memo documents the results of a parking study we conducted for the 301 East Jeanette Lane Project <br />in the City of Santa Ana. This memo documents two major items including an evaluation of parking <br />demand and our review of tandem parking operations at other facilities. <br />PARKING SUPPLY AND DEMAND CALCULATIONS <br />When we evaluate parking for a new site, we consider two separate items: <br />1. Consistency with parking code requirements: This criteria refers to whether a project provides <br />sufficient parking based on rates in the Municipal Code for a particular City <br />2. Parking demand: This criteria addresses whether the demand for parking, as measured by the <br />number of persons wanting to park simultaneously, is equal to or less than the supply. Parking <br />demand is assessed through historical parking surveys of other comparable sites to determine <br />how many persons actually park, <br />A variety of sources can be used to asses parking demand. One industry standard reference is Parking <br />Generation developed by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). The latest editio-i available is the <br />3r° edition, which was used as part of this analysis. The Parking Generation book reports parking demand <br />based on empirical data in which parking demand was counted for a particular site and then reported to <br />ITE. ITE then aggregates this data for studies across the United States and compiles the information in the <br />Parking Generation manual. <br />Our review indicates that parking demand for multi - family units varies based on the location (in a central <br />city or suburban area) and other factors. The range of rates varies from approximately 0.7 to 1.96 parking <br />spaces per unit. A majo -ity of the parking demand rates identified in this document are approximately 1.5 <br />parking spaces per unit. This number is inclusive of residents, guests, deliveries, and other vehicles parking <br />on -site for other reasons. <br />Using both the average and maximum value, yields the parking demand for the site ranging from 273 <br />parking spaces to 356 spaces. Since the project proposes to provide 364 spaces, we can conclude that the <br />parking supply is sufficient, even for the highest demand scenario. <br />8141 E. Kaiser Boulevard, Suite 110, CA 92808 (714) 941 -8800 <br /> <br />EXHIBIT 5 <br />91 X40 <br />