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Agency Bond Debt Service <br />The Agency will continue to make principal and interest payments on the 1989 Tax <br />Allocation Refunding Bonds (Central City, Inter City and South Harbor Project Areas) <br />and the 2003 Tax Allocation Bonds (South Main Project Area). While the Agency may <br />elect to incur additional bonded indebtedness in the future, for purposes of this financial <br />feasibility analysis no additional future bond issues are assumed in the feasibility <br />projection. <br />2. Transfers In (Credit) <br />The Santa Ana Financing Authority issued 1998 Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series A, B <br />C and D for the purpose of using the net proceeds to purchase the Agency's 1989 Tax <br />Allocation Refunding Bonds, Series A, B, C and E referenced above. This enabled the <br />Agency to realize significant savings in annual debt service payments by utilizing the <br />leverage of pooling funds permitted by Marks Roos bonds. The rebate of the net <br />savings is annually reflected in the Transfers In line item of the cash flow projection. <br />3. Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund <br />Chapter 260, Statutes of 2003, (SB 1045) requires redevelopment agencies to shift $135 <br />million in property tax revenues to K -12 schools and community colleges during the <br />2003 -04 fiscal year. The shift of tax increment revenues will be placed into the <br />Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund (ERAF). SB 1045 provides that one -half of <br />the ERAF obligation of the Agency is calculated based on the gross tax increment <br />apportioned to the Agency and the other one -half of the ERAF obligation is calculated <br />based on net tax increment revenues retained by the Agency (net of any pass- through <br />payments to other taxing entities), as such tax increment revenues are reported in the <br />Community Redevelopment Agencies Annual Report of the California State Controller <br />for FY 2001 -02. <br />The Agency allocated an ERAF payment to the County Auditor - Controller totaling <br />approximately $1,831,000 on May 10, 2004. It is uncertain at the present time as to <br />whether or not future ERAF payments will be required by the State. It is also not known <br />whether the ERAF amounts will increase in future years. Therefore, for purposes of the <br />feasibility projection, it is assumed that commencing in FY 2004 -05, ERAF payments will <br />continue to be required by the respective Project Areas in subsequent fiscal years and <br />reflect the current year requirement. <br />Page 22 of 190 <br />Report to the City Council for the Merger of the Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. <br />Santa Ana Redevelopment Projects Page 17 <br />PA0403012.SNTA:CK:gbd <br />19090.003,004/00 /20/04 <br />