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South Main Redevelopment Project Area <br />The South Main Redevelopment Project Area was adopted by the City Council on July 6, 1982, <br />by Ordinance No. NS -1639. The South Main Redevelopment Project Area encompasses <br />approximately 1,500 acres and is located along Main Street from 1 at Street to Sunflower Avenue <br />and the area west of the 55 Freeway along McFadden Avenue, Edinger Avenue, Warner <br />Avenue, Dyer Road and MacArthur Boulevard. The Project Area includes older strip <br />commercial uses interspersed with residential units radiating out from the downtown along Main <br />Street and newer manufacturing and light industrial uses along the southeastern boundary of <br />the City. Redevelopment has been most notable in the industrial and commercial areas along <br />the southeastern boundary of the City. The Agency's primary focus is on the needed <br />revitalization of the commercial corridors through street improvements, rehabilitation programs <br />and assisting in private development. Some of the notable prof the Agency has assisted <br />include the Auto Mall and Doubletree Hotel. <br />Bristol Corridor Redevelopment Plan <br />The Bristol Corridor Redevelopment Projec Area as do . by t CI Council on <br />December 4, 1989, by Ordinance No. N -20 Th Bristol C rridor de elopment Project <br />Area consists of approximately 781 acres n is ma 'ly I ated along of Street from 17th <br />Street to Central Avenue and t are east of 'rvie S eat long 17th and 1 at Streets. Like <br />many other north Is cor 'dors i he ity, rl o orr o is veloped primarily with older <br />strip commercial uses. ow er, he en rai rtion of he ect Area encompasses the <br />western perimeter the do wn area. st C rido as the most recently adopted of the <br />Agency's redeve pme oje s nd ' till i - to by many of the blighting conditions <br />identified at project do ion' cl i d er ati , substandard design (obsolescence), and <br />impaired investments low eta sa s nd nderutilized land). One of the landmark <br />developments the Agen a i ed i is a Digital Media Center. Bristol Corridor is currently <br />undergoing a City sponso d major treat widening. The Agency will enhance the street <br />widening with landscape imp ov ents including trees and street furniture. As funds permit, the <br />Agency will assist in the rehabilitation of the commercial buildings, while retaining and <br />enhancing existing businesses as well as attracting new businesses to the area that can provide <br />jobs for local residents. <br />C. SHORT -TERM GOALS AND OBJECTIVES <br />The goals and objectives have been identified on the basis of the financial resources that are <br />available, the priorities for addressing conditions in the Merged Project Area based upon <br />community input and given the available resources, and the limit of the five -year period to be <br />covered by the Implementation Plan. The achievement of the Implementation Plan Goals and <br />Santa Ana Community Redevelopment Agency Implementation Plan Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. <br />For the Merged Santa Ana Redevelopment Project Area July 1, 2005 to June 30, 2010 - -- <br />Page 7 <br />0504021.SA <br />19090.004.001/4122/2005 <br />