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CUP Nos. 2013-29,2013-30 & 2013 -31 <br />October 28, 2013 <br />Page b <br />The proposed after -hours operation will provide an ancillary service to the restaurant customers by <br />allowing them the ability to offer meals after 12:00 midnight, thereby providing an additional dining <br />option within the downtown area. This will benefit the community by providing a restaurant with an <br />additional and complementary food - related amenity, The after -hours operation is consistent with <br />that of other restaurants in the downtown. Conditions have been placed on the after -hours permit <br />that will mitigate any potential impacts created by the use and ensure that the use will not <br />negatively affect the surrounding community. <br />The proposed hours of operation at this location will not be detrimental to persons residing or <br />working in the vicinity because conditions have been placed upon the permit that will mitigate any <br />potential negative or adverse impacts that could be created by the use, and the proposed after - <br />hours operation is consistent with other restaurants operating in the downtown, Further, the <br />building location fronts on the Artists Village promenade, which is a frequent location for community <br />activities involving outdoor entertainment and significant public activity. Specific conditions address <br />the potential for noise and light intrusion, as well as for security. <br />The proposed use will not adversely affect the economic stability of the area, but will instead allow <br />the restaurant to compete with other nearby restaurants that also offer after -hours meals to their <br />patrons. The extension of operating hours will enable the restaurant to continue their operations for <br />a longer period of time, thereby allowing them to generate more revenue to ensure their continued <br />economic viability. The proposed use will serve to re- tenant a previously vacant building, thereby <br />decreasing the number of vacant tenant spaces that may affect the economic stability of the area. <br />• As conditioned, the proposed project will be in compliance with all applicable regulations and <br />conditions imposed on a restaurant open after 12:00 midnight pursuant to Chapter 41 of the Santa <br />Ana Municipal Code. <br />The proposed use will not adversely affect the General Plan. The granting of this Conditional <br />Use Permit supports several policies contained in the General Plan. Policy 2.2 of the Land Use <br />Element encourages land uses that accommodate the City's needs for goods and services, <br />Providing a variety of full- service restaurants with extended hours of operation offers additional <br />dining options for Santa Ana residents and visitors, Policy 2.8 of the Land Use Element promotes <br />the rehabilitation of commercial properties, and encourages increased levels of capital <br />investment. The South Counties Gas Building has undergone a significant rehabilitation effort <br />representing a large capital investment. The re- tenanting of this building with a full - service <br />restaurant use further supports the rehabilitation of this commercial property. Policy 4.2 of the <br />Land Use Element encourages the retention and reuse of historical buildings and sites. The <br />South Counties Gas Building is listed on the Santa Ana Register of Historical Properties. The <br />rehabilitation and re- tenanting of this building supports its retention and reuse. <br />31 B -7 <br />