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Letter Agreement <br />Page 2 <br />are co- channels of the Replacement Frequencies, to the extent required to meet the FCC's <br />technical short- spacing requirements. The Parties will file the FCC applications for the <br />Replacement Frequencies and Incumbent Frequencies with the FCC within ten (10) business <br />days following the receipt of this Agreement by Sprint signed by Incumbent. <br />(C) Incumbent and Sprint will cooperate with each other in the preparation of any applications <br />required to be filed with the FCC in accordance with the Reconfiguration work described in <br />Schedule C herein. Any applications to modify the Incumbent Licenses will be filed by Sprint (or <br />the TA) on Incumbent's behalf. <br />(D) The total Reconfiguration Cost is Two Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($2,650.00). <br />i. Payment to Incumbent: Sprint will make an initial payment to Incumbent in the <br />amount of Zero Dollars ($0.00) within 30 days of the Effective Date provided Sprint has <br />received a fully completed Incumbent Information Form, as set forth in Exhibit A. The <br />balance of the Reconfiguration Cost payable to Incumbent in the amount of Zero Dollars <br />($0.00) will be paid to Incumbent within 30 days following the Reconfiguration and <br />Sprint's receipt of the signed "Closing Statement", as set forth in Exhibit B. <br />ii. Payment to Vendor: Sprint will pay each Vendor (as defined below) in an amount not <br />to exceed Two Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($2,650.00) within 30 days after <br />receipt by Sprint of (a) an invoice from the Vendor and (b) Incumbent's approval of <br />receipt of goods and services and approval of associated costs included on the Vendor <br />invoice. <br />(E) Incumbent will select and contract directly with any vendor or service provider performing <br />work required to reconfigure the Incumbent's existing facilities to operate on Replacement <br />Frequencies ( "Vendor"). Sprint will not be responsible for, or assume the risk of any failure of <br />that Vendor to perform its obligations under any contract entered into between Incumbent and <br />such Vendor in connection with the Reconfiguration contemplated by this Agreement. <br />(F) Sprint will clear the Replacement Frequencies of all users no later than sixty (60) days following <br />the grant of a modification to add the Replacement Frequencies to the Incumbent License or grant <br />by the FCC of a new FCC license for Incumbent that includes the Replacement Frequencies. Sprint <br />will notify Incumbent of the decommissioning of the Replacement Frequencies within five (5) days <br />following completion of the decommissioning. Incumbent will have thirty (30) days following <br />receipt of notice of the decommissioning of the Replacement Frequencies to clear all users from <br />the Incumbent Frequencies. Incumbent will notify Sprint that Incumbent has cleared the <br />Incumbent Frequencies of users within five (5) days following the clearing. Within ten (10) <br />business days following completion of the Reconfiguration and receipt of the Reconfiguration <br />Cost, Incumbent will execute and deliver to Sprint the "Completion Certification ", as set forth in <br />Exhibit C. By this Agreement, Incumbent acknowledges it will have no recourse or access to the <br />letter of credit established by Sprint pursuant to the Order. <br />(G) This Agreement may be terminated (i) by mutual consent of the Parties provided in writing; <br />or (ii) for cause by either Party upon material breach of the other Party, following a thirty (30) <br />day period for cure by the breaching Party following written notice of the breach. <br />