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Covered Systed s), Customer agrees to promptly request repair services in <br />the event the System becomes inoperable or otherwise requires repair. The <br />Agreement price does not include repairs to the Covered Systems) <br />recommended by Company as a result of an inspection, for which Company <br />will submit independent pricing to customer and as to which Company will not <br />proceed until Customer authorizes such work and approves the pricing. Repair <br />or replacement of non - maintainable pads of the Covered System(s) including, <br />but not limited to, unit cabinets, Insulating material, electrical wiring, structural <br />supports, and all other non - moving parts, is not included under this Agreement, <br />11. System Equipment. The purchase of equipment or peripheral devices, <br />(including but not limited to smoke detectors, passive infrared detectors, card <br />readers, sprinkler system components, extinguishers and hoses) train <br />Company shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If, in <br />Company's sole judgment, any peripheral device or other system equipment, <br />which is attached to the Covered System(s), whether provided by Company, <br />Customer or a third party, interferes with the proper operation of the Covered <br />System(s), Customer shall remove or replace such device or equipment <br />promptly upon notice from Company. Failure of Customer to remove or replace <br />the device shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement. If Customer <br />adds any third party device or equipment to the Covered System(s), Company <br />shall not be responsible for any damage to or failure of the Covered System(s) <br />caused in whole or in part by such device or equipment, <br />12. Reports. Where inspection and /or test services are selected, such <br />inspection and /or test shall be completed on Company's then current Report <br />form, which shall be given to Customer, and, where applicable, Company may <br />submit a copy thereof to the local authority having jurisdiction. The Report and <br />recommendations by Company are only advisory in nature and are intended to <br />assist Customer In reducing the risk of lass to property by indicating obvious <br />defects or impairments noted to the system and equipment inspected and /or <br />tested. They are not intended to imply that no other defects or hazards exist or <br />that all aspects of the Covered System(s), equipment, and components are <br />under control at the time of inspection. Final responsibility for the condition and <br />operation of the Covered System(s) and equipment and components lies with <br />Customer. <br />13. — Availability -- and - -Cost of Steel, Plastics_ & - -Other Commuditles. <br />Company shall not be responsible for failure to provide services, deliver <br />products, or otherwise perform work required by this Agreement due to lack of <br />available steel products or products made from plastics or other commodities, <br />(i) In the event Company is unable, after reasonable commercial efforts, to <br />acquire and provide steel products, or products made from plastics or other <br />commodities, if required to perform work required by this Agreement, <br />Customer hereby agrees that Company may terminate the Agreement, or the <br />relevant portion of the Agreement, at no additional cost and without penalty. <br />Customer agrees to pay Company in full for all work performed up to the time <br />of any such termination. (it) If Company is able to obtain the steel products or <br />products made from plastics or other commodities, but (ite price of any of the <br />products has risen by more than 10% from the date of the bid, proposal or date <br />Company executed this Agreement, whichever occurred first, then Company <br />may pass through that increase through a reasonable price Increase to reflect <br />increased cost of materials. <br />14. Confined Space. If access to confined space by Company is required for <br />the performance of Services, Services shall be scheduled and performed in <br />accordance with Company's then - current hourly rate, <br />15. Hazardous Materials, Customer represents that, except to the extent that <br />Company has been given written notice of the following hazards prior tu the <br />execution of this Agreement, to the best of Customer's knowledge there is no: <br />• "Permit confined space," as defined by OSHA, <br />• Risk of infectious disease, <br />Need for air monitoring, respiratory protection, or other medical risk, <br />• Asbestos, asbestos - containing material, formaldehyde or other <br />potentially toxic or otherwise hazardous material contained in or on the <br />surface of the floors, walls, ceilings, insulation or other structural <br />components of the area of any building where work is required to be <br />performed under this Agreement <br />All of the above are hereinafter referred to as "Hazardous Conditions ", <br />Company shall have the right to rely on the representations listed above, If <br />hazardous conditions are encountered by Company during the course of <br />Company's work, the discovery of such materials shall constitute an event <br />beyond Company's control and Company shall have no obligation to further <br />perform in the area where the hazardous conditions exist until the area has <br />been made safe by Customer as certified in writing by an independent testing <br />agency, and Customer shall pay disruption expenses and re- mobilization <br />expenses as determined by Company.This Agreement does not provide for the <br />cost of capture, containment or disposal of any hazardous waste materials, or <br />hazardous materials, encountered in any of the Covered Systems) scatter <br />during performance of the Services. Said materials shall at all times remain the <br />responsibility and property of Customer. Company shall not be responsible for <br />the testing, removal or disposal of such hazardous materials <br />10. Remote Service. if Customer selects Remote Service, Customer <br />understands and agrees that, while Remote Service provides for <br />communication regarding Customer's fire alarm system to Company via the <br />Internet, Remote Service does not constitute monitoring of the system and <br />Customer understands that Remote Service does not provide for Company to <br />contact the fire department or other authorities in the event of a fire alarm. The <br />Customer understands that If it wishes to receive monitoring of its fire alarm <br />system and notification of the fire department or other authorities in the event <br />of a fire alarm, it must select monitoring services as a separate service under <br />this Agreement. CUSTOMER FURTHER UNDERSTANDS AND AGREES <br />THAT THE TERMS OF SECTION f7.F OF THIS AGREEMENT APPLY TO <br />REMOTE SERVICE. <br />17. Monitoring Services. If Customer has selected Monitoring services, the <br />following shall apply to such services: <br />A. Alarm Monitoring Service. Customer agrees and acknowledges that <br />Company's sole and only obligation under this Agreement shall be to provide <br />alarm monitoring, notification, and /or Runner services as set forth in this <br />Agreement and to endeavor to notify the party(ies) identified by Customer on <br />the Contact/Call List ( "Contacts ") and /or Local Emergency Dispatch Numbers <br />for responding authorities, Upon receipt of an alarm signal, Company may, at <br />our sale discretion, attempt to notify the Contacts to verify the signal is not <br />false. If we fail to notify the Contacts or question the response we receive, we <br />will attempt to notify the responding authority. In the event Company receives a <br />supervisory signal or trouble signal, Company shall endeavor to promptly notify <br />one of the Contacts. Company shall not be responsible far a Contact's or <br />responding authority's refusal to acknowledge /respond to Company's <br />notifications of receipt of an alarm signal, nor shall Company be required to <br />make additional notifications because of such refusal. The Contacts are <br />authorized to act on Customer's behalf and, if so designated on the <br />Contact/Call List, are authorized to cancel an alarm prior to the notification of <br />authorities. Customer understands that local laws, ordinances or policies may <br />restrict Company's ability to provide the alarm monitoring and notification <br />services described in this Agreement and /or necessitate modified or additional <br />services and related charges to Customer. Customer understands that <br />Company may employ a number of Industry- recognized measures to help <br />reduce occurrences of false alarm signal activations. These measures may <br />include, but are not limited lo, Implementation of industry- recognized default <br />settings; implementation of "partial clear time bypass" procedures at our alarm <br />monitoring center and other similar measures at our sole discretion from time <br />to time. "THESE MEASURES CAN RESULTIN"NO ALARM SIGNAL BEINO" <br />SENT FROM AN ALARM ZONE IN CUSTOMER'S PREMISES AFTER THE <br />INITIAL ALARM ACTIVATION UNTIL THE ALARM SYSTEM IS MANUALLY <br />RESET. Upon receiving notification from Company that a Are or gas detection <br />(e.g. carbon monoxide) signal has been received, the responding authority <br />may forcibly enter the premises. Cellular radio unit test supervision, if provided <br />under this Agreement, provides only the status of the cellular radio un!Vs <br />current signaling ability at the time of the test communication based on certain <br />programmed intervals and does not serve to detect the potential loss of radio <br />service at the time of an actual emergency event. Company shall not be <br />responsible to provide monitoring services under this Agreement unless and <br />until the communication link between Customer's premises and Company's <br />Monitoring Center has been tested, SUCH SERVICES ARE PROVIDED <br />WITHOUT WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT <br />LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR <br />FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, <br />B Limitation of Liability; Limitations of Remedy. Customer understands <br />that Company offers several levels of Monitoring Services and that the level <br />described has been chosen by Customer after considering and balancing <br />various levels of protection afforded and their related costs. It Is understood <br />and agreed by the Customer that Company Is not an insurer and that <br />insurance coverage, If any, shall be obtained by the Customer and that <br />amounts payable to Company hereunder are based upon the value of the <br />Monitoring Services and the scope of liability set forth In this Agreement <br />and are unrelated to the value of the Customer's property and the <br />property of others located on the premises. Customer agrees to look <br />exclusively to the Customer's Insurer to recover for Injuries or damage in <br />the event of any loss or Injury and that Customer releases and waives all <br />right of recovery against Company arising by way of subrogation, <br />Company makes no guaranty or Warranty, including any implied <br />warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose that <br />equipment or services supplied by Company will detect or avert <br />occurrences or the consequences there from that the equipment or <br />service was designed to detect or avert. It is Impractical and extremely <br />difficult to fix the actual damages, if any, which may proximately result <br />from failure on the part of Company to perform any of its monitoring <br />obligations under this Agreement. Accordingly, Customer agrees that, <br />Company shall be exempt from liability for any loss, damage or Injury <br />arising directly or Indirectly from occurrences, or the consequences <br />there from, which the equipment or service was designed to detect or <br />avert, Should Company be found liable for any loss, damage or Injury <br />arising from a failure of the equipment or service in any respect, <br />Company's liability with respect to Monitoring Services shall be the <br />lesser of the annual fee for Monitoring Services allocable to the site <br />where the Incident occurred or two thousand five hundred ($2,500) <br />dollars, Such sum shall be complete and exclusive. If Customer desires <br />Company to assume greater liability, the parties shall amend this <br />Agreement by attaching a rider setting forth the amount of additional <br />liability and the additional amount payable by the Customer for the <br />assumption by Company of such greater liability, provided however that <br />such rider shall in no way be Interpreted to hold Company as an Insurer. <br />SG0001 US.ENG (Rev. 1212010) Page 6 of 8 O 2010 Simplext3rinnell LP. All rights reserved <br />