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NON - CONTRIBUTORY ENDORSEMENT FOR ADDITIONAL INSUREDS <br />Named Insur Tyco International Management Company, LLC <br />Shdorsomont Number <br />a <br />Polloy Symbol <br />Pol4oy umber <br />polls "cy Peilod <br />Effective Date of Endorsement <br />18A <br />H08828362 <br />10/01/2014 TO 10101(2015 <br />Issued By (Name of fnsuranoe Company) <br />ACE American Insurance Company <br />Insert the polloy humbsr, The ramalnder of the Information Is to be complalod only when this endoreement Is issued suheaquant to the preparallon of the polloy. <br />THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. <br />BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM <br />MOTOR CARRIER COVERAGE FORM <br />90Jye u e <br />OYdenIzatlon Additional Insured Endorsement <br />(If no Informatlon fs filled in, the schedule shall read, All persons or entitles added as additonal insureds <br />in rough an endwsoment with the term Adalhonal Insured' In fh6We) <br />For organizations that are listed In the Schedule above that are also an Additional Insured under an endorsement <br />attached to this policy, the following Is added to the Other Insurance Condition under General Conditions; <br />If other Insurance Is available to an Insured we cover under any df the endorsements listed or described above (the <br />"Additional insured ") for a loss we cover under this policy, this insurance will apply to such loss on a primary basis <br />and we will not seek contribution from the other insurance availabletc the Additional Insured. <br />94 <br />Authorized Represehtative <br />DA-21888a (04111) Page 1 of 1 <br />