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3. Acceptable, verifiable references and site reviews <br />Cost of Proposal (50 %) <br />1. Cost of base proposal <br />2. Cost of specialized services <br />Based upon the foregoing criteria, all proposals were ranked by score. Only those proposals <br />receiving a score above 70 were considered for award. The City reserved the right to award the <br />contract to any proposer with a score above 70. <br />The proposals were reviewed by a committee of City team members. The committee evaluated <br />proposers based on the response to the RFP and the City evaluation criteria set forth above. A <br />final score was calculated for each submitted proposal and used to rank the proposers. The <br />committee interviewed the top tier of proposers and recommended award of the contract to the <br />proposer who will provide the best quality service at minimum cost to the City. The City reserves <br />the right to negotiate pricing and for additional terms. City reserves the right to begin negotiations <br />and enter into a contract without interviews or further discussions. <br />XX. PUBLIC RECORDS <br />Proposals will become public record after award of contract. Proposer information identified as <br />proprietary information shall be maintained confidential, to the extent allowed under the California <br />Public Records Act. <br />District 4 Park Landscape sner tiratinn <br />