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c) After heavy windstorms or other inclement weather that impacts sites under this <br />agreement, the Contractor shall bring in extra staff to clean all parks areas within two (2) <br />days at no cost to the City. Debris (80 lbs. or less), such as but not limited to, litter, <br />fallen branches, trash, limbs, branches, soil erosion, etc., shall be removed from the <br />worksites. <br />d) The Contractor shall keep sidewalks and all other paved areas swept and free of any <br />debris, dirt, glass, weeds, leaves, etc. at all times. <br />e) Drain inlets shall be checked and if necessary cleaned once per day to avoid <br />flooding of areas during inclement weather. <br />14. Other Requirements <br />a) Work Not Scheduled <br />The Director may delete a portion of or the entire work site from contractual <br />maintenance during a construction period or any period where the Director determines <br />that work cannot be scheduled. The deletion of this portion of work will be reflected as a <br />reduction in the monthly payment to the Contractor. The amount of reduction will be <br />based on the percentage of area involved and will be determined by the City. <br />15. City Inspection <br />The Director or his designated representative shall regularly inspect the parks, <br />playgrounds, fields and all other City property subject to this Agreement. If said <br />inspection results in discovery of work that is not performed in the manner, and to the <br />professional degree set forth in the Specifications, Contractor agrees that the City shall <br />deduct from Contractor's next monthly payment, the City's actual or estimated cost of <br />performing the work to bring the property into conformance with the specifications. <br />Additionally, City shall impose liquidated damages of up to $300.00 per inspection, per <br />park, per day not meeting the specifications during any such inspection. <br />ATTACHMENT NO. 1 <br />SUB - CONTRACTOR <br />BALL DIAMOND IN -FIELD MAINTENANCE <br />1.0 Scope of Work <br />1.1 State of California Licensed C -27 Contractor specializing in Ball Diamond In -Field Maintenance <br />shall provide in -field brickdust maintenance for Baseball /Softball Diamonds per the <br />specifications and conditions listed below. <br />1.2 REQUIRED SUB - CONTRACTORS <br />Contractor shall enter into separate agreements with one of the contractors listed below. These <br />sub - contractors shall perform all ball diamond specialized maintenance in accordance with this <br />specification. <br />District 4 Park Landscape Specification <br />