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7.5.9 After raking the 18" edges, the contractor shall clean all excess brickdust on the <br />turf edges utilizing a high pressure water nozzle or heavy duty broom. NO <br />brickdust shall be permitted on the turf edges at any time.if in the determination <br />of City staff, an unsafe lip situation exists (an unsafe lip is %z" or greater) in any <br />turf /brickdust border area infield to brickdust, base -paths or brickdust to outfield), <br />contractor will be required to remove or level the soil build -up with a sod cutter <br />and re- establish the in -field boundaries with a string line or suitable method and <br />re -sod up to the border to remedy the situation at contractors expense. Pre- <br />existing conditions shall be corrected during contract start -up. <br />7.6 Final Watering <br />7.6.1 This is the most time consuming and a very important element of the procedure. <br />7.6.2 The contractor shall final water the skinned brickdust to a depth of 'W minimum. <br />8.0 Rainy Weather/Wet Field Procedure <br />8.1 On the next scheduled working day after a rainfall, the following procedure, in the order listed, <br />shall be adhered to: <br />8.1.1 Remove all standing water from low spots either by skimming off excess water <br />and spreading it out to dry areas or using a pump /sopper system. <br />8.1.2 Rake out (scarify) wet areas. <br />8.1.3 Apply Stabilizer Solutions Stabilizer Gold Infield Mix (with stabilizer) from stock to <br />all Wet Areas and Rake Out. Cap with calcified clay Turface. <br />9.0 Work to be Completed "BI- MONTHLY" <br />9.1 To maintain levelness of all fields, contractor shall, once every two months, scarify drag built up <br />amounts of materials at high spots and cut and level drag the scarified material to low spots. <br />The Contractor shall fill any remaining low spots with new Stabilizer Solutions Stabilizer Gold <br />Infield Mix (with stabilizer) brickdust from stock and make level. Cap with calcified clay Turface. <br />Note: Staff shall identify areas to scarify /cut and level drag to the <br />contractor at weekly meetings with contractors appointed site <br />supervisor (as per section 6.2 of contract). <br />9.2 Heavy water scarified and cut and leveled areas to a "/" min. depth and allow settling in before <br />play on field. <br />Note: Due to heavy watering and its need to settle before play, staff <br />shall provide a schedule of bi- monthly scarify /cut and level drag <br />dates to contractor. <br />10.0 Work to be Completed "ANNUALLY" <br />10.1 Each year, the following renovation is to be done on all fields in conjunction with the City's <br />Annual Sports Turf Renovation Schedule. Fields renovated may change from year to year. <br />District 4 Park Landscape Specification <br />