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C.3,2.6 Emergency Service, Twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week, the Contractor shall be able to <br />receive and respond to the City's call for emergency service. Response time shall be less than two hours to remove or eliminate <br />a public safety hazard. Contractor shall provide the City with a local telephone number where Contractor can be contacted <br />twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week. <br />C.327 Contractor Furnished Equipment, The Contractor shall provide all items necessary for the performance of <br />the contract including the following, <br />C,3,2.7.1 Tools. The Contractor shall provide all tools and repair equipment necessary for maintenance and repair as specified <br />in the Agreement. <br />C,3,2,8 Contractor Furnished Supplies. The Contractor shall furnish all supplies required for his performance under <br />the Agreement, including the following. <br />C.3.2,8.1 Chemicals, The Contractor shall furnish all chemicals and supplies to maintain the water at the prescribed <br />standards of purity and clarity including, but not limited to chlorine (liquid, tablets, granular, or gaseous, depending on the type of <br />dispensing system In use), soda ash, diatomaceous earth, etc. <br />C.3.2,8,2 Test Kits, The Contractor shall furnish test kits for the purpose of monitoring and reporting chemical levels <br />and conditions including but not limited to chlorine levels, pH levels, and alkalinity of the water, etc. <br />C. Preventive Maintenance (PM) and Minor Repair Items, The Contractor shall provide all PM and minor repair <br />items Including, but not limited to, lubricants, minor parts, fittings, gaskets, bench stock, paint, degreasers, etc, for performance <br />under the contract. <br />C.12.8,4 Cleaning Supplies. The Contractor shall furnish cleaning supplies required for performance under contract <br />