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2. The passive recreation area /pocket park between Unit 25 and 26 shall be a <br />minimum of 4,876 square feet in size and shall incorporate tables, seating and a <br />shade structure. The color and appearance of the furniture products and other <br />elements must complement the overall architecture design and material. <br />Benches and seating shall be made of a durable material such as concrete or <br />painted iron and be designed to minimize effects from vandalism, skateboarding <br />and weather. <br />3. Front and street oriented side yards shall be landscaped with the exception of <br />approved driveways and sidewalks. <br />4. Driveways shall lead to a garage and not exceed the width of such garage. There <br />shall be no parking of vehicles in the front yard except in such driveways. <br />SECTION 7 BUILDING SEPARATION <br />1. The building separation between structures shall be at least ten (10) feet for <br />Units 1 through 20. <br />2. The building separation between structures shall be at least eight (8) feet for <br />Units 21 through 28. <br />SECTION 8 LANDSCAPE STANDARDS <br />In the SD No. 86 district, all yards shall be landscaped. Each residential unit shall <br />meet the following minimum requirements: <br />1. Front yard <br />a. One 24 -inch box canopy trees per unit. <br />b. One additional tree species for up to five dwelling units and an additional tree <br />species for each increment of five units. <br />c. Six five - gallon size shrubs and 10 one - gallon size herbaceous <br />perennials /shrubs as a foundation planting. <br />d. Turf or acceptable dry climate ground cover: <br />i. Turf shall be drought tolerant variety and planted as sod or hydroseed. <br />ii. Ground cover shall be well- rooted cuttings from flats and planted at <br />appropriate spacing for that particular plant material. <br />4 <br />11A -12 <br />