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TIME LIMIT TO SUBMIT BALLOT ARGUMENTS <br />(California Elections Code §9280 -9287) <br />PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Arguments with respect to the following ballot measure will <br />be received according to the following procedures: <br />1. The City Council or any member(s) of the Council authorized by the City Council, or bona <br />fide association of citizens, or any individual voter who is eligible to vote on the Measure, <br />or any combination of voters and associations, may file a written argument for or against <br />the measure on the ballot. No argument shall exceed 300 words in length. <br />2. A ballot argument shall not be accepted unless accompanied by the name(s) of the <br />person(s) submitting it, or, if submitted on behalf of an organization, the name of the <br />organization and the name of at least one of its principal officers. <br />3. No more than five authors may sign any argument. If an argument is signed by more <br />than five individuals, the names of only the first five persons signing, determined by the <br />order in which their signatures appear, shall be printed on the argument appearing in the <br />Voter Information Pamphlet. <br />4. The Clerk of the Council shall cause an argument for and an argument against the <br />measure, if submitted, to be printed and shall transmit the arguments to the qualified <br />electors in addition to any necessary ballot materials. Arguments for and against the <br />measure shall be submitted to the Office of the Clerk of the Council, 20 Civic Center <br />Plaza, Santa Ana, California 92701, not later than 14 days after City Council calls for the <br />Election. <br />5. Arguments may be changed or withdrawn by their authors by specified date. <br />6. Printed arguments submitted to the voters shall be titled either "Argument In Favor of <br />Measure_" or "Argument Against Measure_ ", accordingly. The blank space will be <br />assigned a number or letter by the Orange County Registrar of Voters. Words used in <br />the title shall not be counted when determining the length of the argument. <br />7. If more than one argument for or more than one argument against the ballot measure is <br />submitted to the Clerk of the Council within the time prescribed above, the Clerk of the <br />Council shall select one of the arguments for printing and distribution to voters. In such <br />selection, preference and priority shall be given as follows: 1) member(s), of the <br />legislative body authorized by that body, 2) bona fide associations of citizens, and, 3) <br />individual voters who are eligible to vote on the measure. If more than one argument for <br />a measure is received from individuals or groups with the same preference and priority, <br />the first argument submitted to the Clerk of the Council will be selected if no other <br />arguments from an individual or group with a higher priority are received. <br />8. At the time of filing an argument, a certificate is also required that states that the facts <br />contained in the argument are true and correct. The certificate must be signed by each <br />author of the argument. (A certificate form is available from the Clerk of the Council) <br />50A -31 <br />