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22. RIGHT TO AUDIT <br />The Parties agree that the other Party, and /or the Commission, or their respective designated <br />representatives, shall have the right to review and to copy any records or supporting <br />documentation pertaining to the their performance of this Agreement or the Authorized Work, <br />during nonnal business hours, and to allow reasonable access in order to interview any staff of <br />the City or the Utility who might reasonably have information related to such records. Further, <br />the Parties agree to include a similar right of the other Party and/or the Commission to audit <br />records and interview staff in any subcontract related to performance of the Authorized Work or <br />this Agreement. <br />23. STOP WORK PROCEDURES <br />The Utility may suspend the Authorized Work being performed in its service territory for <br />good cause, including, without limitation, concerns relating to program funding, implementation <br />or management of the Program, safety concerns, fraud or excessive customer complaints, by <br />notifying the City in writing to suspend any Authorized Work being performed in either SCG's <br />service territory. Any performance of Authorized Work by the City in SCG's service territory <br />shall stop immediately, and the City may resume its Authorized Work only upon receiving <br />written notice from the Utility that it may resume its Authorized Work. <br />24. MODIFICATIONS <br />Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, changes to this Agreement shall be only be <br />valid through a written amendment to this Agreement signed by both Parties. <br />25, TERM AND TERMINATION <br />25.1. Tenn. This Agreement shall be effective as of the Effective Date. Subject to <br />Section 37, the Agreement shall continue in effect until March 31, 2015 unless otherwise <br />terminated in accordance with the provisions of Section 25.2 or 30 below. <br />25.2. Termination for Breach. Any Party may terminate this Agreement in the event of <br />a material breach by the other Party of any of the material terms or conditions of this <br />Agreement, provided such breach is not remedied within sixty (60) days written notice <br />to the breaching Party thereof from the non - breaching Party or otherwise resolved <br />pursuant to the dispute resolution provisions set forth in Section 15 herein. <br />25.3. Effect of Termination. Any termination by the City or by the Utility shall <br />constitute a termination of this Agreement in its entirety (subject, however, to the <br />survival provisions of Section 37). <br />25.3.1. Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, the City shall be entitled to Gas <br />Surcharge Funds for all Program Expenditures incurred or accrued pursuant to <br />contractual or other legal obligations for Authorized Work up to the effective date <br />of termination of this Agreement, provided that any invoices, documents or <br />information required under this Agreement or by the Commission are submitted in <br />accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The provisions of this <br />2013 -14 Santa Ana Partnership Agreement 17 <br />