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2013 -2014 Energy Efficiency Programs <br />Local Government Partnership Program <br />Program Implementation Plan <br />networks marketing materials and information that is well coordinated with utility and statewide <br />marketing plans. The Partnerships will also leverage their community relationships as well as <br />community based organizations and associations. Partnerships may also directly market to <br />municipal and special district staffs and engage key stake holders within the local government <br />and the community. Partnerships will work to achieve both immediate and comprehensive, long- <br />term energy savings. Energy efficiency strategies and measures will be coordinated throughout <br />municipal departments to streamline implementation. Partnerships will implement energy <br />efficiency by providing comprehensive assessments, conservation measures and training and <br />education to the local governments. <br />A2 — Retro- commissioning (RCx) <br />LGPs with a Government Facilities Retrofit element may choose to include a Government <br />Facilities RCx program element. Such LGPs will perform field -based functional tests at the <br />building system and /or building subsystem level to identify RCx opportunities that will deliver <br />energy and demand savings. Each Partnership will tailor minimum criteria (as developed by <br />SoCalGas) to identify RCx projects that will deliver the most savings. Each potential project <br />will be assessed by technical feasibility and cost effectiveness. Preliminary investigation of a <br />site's potential will include on -site equipment testing, monitoring, and /or verifying proper <br />operation and calibration of a sample of the building systems and /or building sub- systems to be <br />included in the proposed RCx projects. <br />A3- Integrating Demand Response <br />In evaluating opportunities in government facilities, Government Partnerships will also <br />determine demand response potential. LGPs will make referrals to demand response programs <br />as appropriate. In addition to demand response programs, partnerships will continue to identify <br />self - generation. Refer to the Integration PIP for more detailed information. <br />A4 — Technical Assistance <br />Assistance will be tailored to each agency's needs, scaled to the potential energy savings and <br />level of commitment of the participating agency, and strategically applied to leverage the most <br />savings from available resources. Technical assistance may also include education and training, <br />support for peer networking to support best practices, team building and staff training. <br />A5 — On -Bill Financing <br />Refer to the OBF section included in Testimony Chapter 3 <br />5 - Program Element Rationale and Expected Outcome — Element A - Government Facilities <br />a) Quantitative Baseline and Market Transformation Information <br />Market Transformation (MT) metrics proposed in Tables 2 and 3 are preliminary. The <br />proposed metrics are meant to initiate a collaborative effort to elaborate meaningful metrics <br />that will provide overall indicators of how markets as a whole are evolving. MT metrics <br />should neither be used for short -term analyses nor for specific program analyses; rather, <br />should focus on broad market segments. <br />Market transformation is embraced as an ideal end state resulting from the collective efforts <br />of the energy efficiency field, but differing understandings of both the MT process and the <br />