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"SANTA ANA <br />WORK <br />CENTER <br />WORKSITE AGREEMENT <br />Work Experience Program <br />The following Agency Worksite Agreement sets forth the responsibilities of the Santa Ana WORD Center as <br />the Work Experience Program Grantee and hereinafter referred to <br />as the "agency worksite". <br />The purpose of the Work Experience program is to provide eligible participants with work experience that <br />will prepare them for future employment and also meet their financial needs. <br />Total number of participants requested by your agency worksite(s): 1 <br />A. The Agency Worksite ensures and agrees to fulfill the following: <br />1. Currently employed workers will not be displaced by any participant (including partial <br />displacement, such as a reduction in hours of non over -time work, wages or employment <br />benefits). <br />2. Participants may not be employed in or assigned to a job if any other individual is on layoff from <br />the same or any substantially equivalent job, <br />3. Provide an orientation to each regular agency staff member who will supervise Work Experience <br />participant to include: a) the duties the participant will perform; b) the number of participants <br />assigned to each supervisor; e) the number of hours a participant may work each week; and, d) <br />any applicable limits set forth in the Digest of California Labor Laws. <br />4. Provide an orientation to each assigned participant to include at a minimum: a) agency <br />expectations of employees; b) agency policies and procedures (dress requirements, absenteeism, <br />tardiness, lunch and break time, etc.); c) duties to be performed by the participant; d) times, days <br />and location to report to work; e) agency accident reporting policy; f) safety procedures and <br />requirements; and, g) introduction to the supervisor. <br />5. Provide participants with sufficient, meaningful duties, while they are at the worksite. <br />6. Participants will only perform duties outlined in the job description developed by Work <br />Experience staff and the approved agency worksite. <br />7. Provide continual supervision of every assigned participant during the workday. <br />8. Part-time participants will not work more than twenty (20) hours per week, unless prior approval <br />by Work Experience staff has been given. Full-time participants will not work more than the <br />maximum of forty (40) hours per week. <br />9. Objectively evaluate the performance of each participant. <br />10. Adhere to all Labor Laws and Child Labor Laws. <br />Rev. 08/12 <br />