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6. Draft, file and serve motion Vo appoint receiver, declarations, uo|ix:ood=,ek>.~40h0nrs~ <br />$7560 <br />7. Review opposition, draft, file and serve reply --l5 hours `$2835 <br />8, Inspections oY subject property with receiver, staff and opposing counsel —4 hours ~$756 <br />V. Meetings with receiver and city staff —5 hours `$945 <br />10. Communications with receiver, opposing counsel and staff, including updates, and direction <br />from staff and tw receiver —l0 hours ^%|800 <br />11 . Review and respond to receiver's court filings and oppositions from opposing parties —}5 <br />hours -$4775 <br />12. Court appearances (initial hearing, case management conferences, accounting and motion <br />hearings, utc.)—]0 hours ~$5070 <br />l]. Demands o« receiver for City's costs and attorneys' fees (nuid~o^ut and x1finolu:onuudoA), <br />review and respond to oppositions —20 hours ~$2780 <br />l4. Case disposition, ficm}judgment, notices and case wrap vp—>2 hours ^$22b8 <br />L )v2_5 <br />These atiorneys, Bees are recoverable from the subject property by law, and we have already <br />determined that the subject property contains enough value to fulfill the City's recovery, Wowill <br />ask the Court Lo sign uu order allowing the City to recover the fees and costs it incurs out vythe <br />receivership estate, us°/e did io the Saddleback Inn case. Our usual strategy iSto make two <br />demands on the estate for repayment: one after the Court approves the receiver's action plan (very <br />snOu), and another u/ the final accounting, This wilt help ensure the City iu made whole, and <br />perhaps allow the City tV use the intermediate funds for other projects, <br />Please feel free t" contact nuuif you wish to discuss further. <br />Very Truly Yours, <br />k»uUbop/k. Silver, Esq. <br />SILVER '&VJR|(JB1[,[LP <br />Attorneys okLaw <br />