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Orange County Clerk's office on March 11, 2010. The City circulated the <br />draft EIR for a 45 -day public review between March 1, 2010 and April 15, <br />2010. The draft EIR was available for public review at the Santa Ana City <br />Hall, the City of Santa Ana Main Library, and on the City's website. <br />J. Comments were received during the public review period. Pursuant to <br />Section 15088 of the State CEQA Guidelines, the City, as the lead agency <br />for the project, has reviewed all comments received on the document. <br />K. As a result of the environmental analysis, no significant impacts were <br />found from the construction of the proposed project. Mitigation measures <br />have been provided to address potential environmental impacts, with a list <br />of these mitigation measures found within the attached Mitigation <br />Monitoring and Reporting Program. Mitigation measures have been <br />outlined to address potential impacts on air quality, noise, transportation <br />and traffic, utilities and service systems, and climate change. <br />L. The applicant agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the City of <br />Santa Ana, its officials, officers, agents, and employees, from any and all <br />liability, claims, actions or proceedings that may be brought arising out of <br />its approval of this project, and any approvals associated with the project, <br />including, without limitation, any CEQA review or approval, except to the <br />extent caused by the negligence of the City of Santa Ana. <br />Section 2. The City Council has reviewed and considered the information <br />contained in Final Environmental Impact Report No. 2010 -01 prepared with respect to <br />this project. The City Council has, as a result of its consideration of the record as a <br />whole and the evidence presented at the hearings on this matter, determined that, as <br />required pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the State <br />CEQA Guidelines, Final Environmental Impact Report No. 2010 -01 meets all <br />requirements of CEQA. The City Council hereby certifies and approves Final <br />Environmental Impact Report No. 2010 -01 and the Mitigation Monitoring Program <br />attached herewith and incorporated herein by this reference, and directs that a Notice of <br />Determination be prepared and filed with the County Clerk of the County of Orange in <br />the manner required by law. <br />Section 3. Pursuant to Title XIV, California Code of Regulations ( "CCR ") <br />§735.5(c)(1), the City Council has determined that, after considering the record as a <br />whole, there is no evidence that the proposed project will have the potential for any <br />adverse effect on wildlife resources or the ecological habitat upon which wildlife <br />resources depend. The proposed project exists in an urban environment characterized <br />by paved concrete, roadways, surrounding buildings and human activity. Therefore, <br />pursuant to Fish and Game Code §711.2 and Title XIV, CCR §735.5(a)(3), the payment <br />of Fish and Game Department filing fees is not required in conjunction with this project. <br />Section 4. The City Council hereby approves General Plan Amendment No. <br />2014 -01 and certifies Final Environmental Impact Report No. 2010 -01 and approves the <br />Resolution No. 2014 -XXX <br />75A-65 Page 3 of 5 <br />