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NXI <br />INSURANCE NOT REQUIRED <br />WORK MAY PROCEED <br />CLERK OF COUNCIL <br />DAM <br />::G:I14/Ct) <br />RIGHT OF ENTRY PERMIT <br />1V- 201 -4 -073— <br />dcdt> s THIS RIGHT OF ENTRY PERMIT ( "Permit ") is made as of May 1, 2014 <br />( "Effective Date "), by and among St. Joseph Health System, a California nonprofit public <br />benefit corporation ( "SJHS "), Taller San Jose, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation <br />( "TSJ ") and Petra Integrated Construction Strategies, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company <br />( "PICS ") collectively "Licensee ", and the CITY OF SANTA ANA ( "City ") with reference to <br />the facts set forth below, <br />RECITALS <br />A. City owns that certain real property located in the City of Santa Ana at 203 -205 <br />West Civic Center Drive, Santa Ana, California, commonly referred to as the YMCA Building <br />( "Property "). <br />B. Licensee desires to enter the Property to conduct visual inspections, physical <br />testing, air samplings, borings, and other samplings. <br />C. Including but not limited to, observing and documenting the Property's as -built <br />conditions, exposing and documenting hidden conditions at the Property, by limited removal of <br />interior non - historic fixtures and finishes, performing certain non - destructive testing of materials <br />at the Property, extracting concrete core samples in interior non - historically sensitive locations, <br />in connection with the proposed rehabilitation and reuse of the Property (the "Work'). <br />AGREEMENT <br />NOW, 'THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises, mutual covenants contained <br />herein, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are <br />hereby acknowledged, the parties do hereby covenant, declare and agree as set forth below: <br />1. Permit to Enter Upon Property. City hereby grants Licensee and its agents, <br />consultants, contractors, subcontractors, employees, representatives, and attorneys (collectively, <br />"Licensee's Agents ") a license and permission to enter upon, over, under and/or across the <br />Property in order to conduct the Work. The Work shall be completed at Licensee's sole cost and <br />expense. If Licensee or Licensee's Agents take any sample from the Property in connection with <br />any such approved testing, Licensee shall use City's Generator ID number in connection with <br />such tests. <br />2. Government Regulations. Licensee shall obtain, at its sole cost and expense, all <br />governmental permits and authorizations required by any and all governmental agencies for <br />performance of its Work on the Property. <br />3. Term. Licensee or Licensee's Agent shall contact City within five (5) days prior <br />to the time of actual entry onto the Property and provide notice of the date and time when entry <br />will be made ( "Notice "). The term of this Permit granted to Licensee over the Property <br />commences on the date when Notice is given and terminates and expires ten (10) days after <br />1 <br />47997465.2 <br />