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4 <br />c <br />ro <br />�J <br />INSURANCC ON Pjk <br />1 <br />WORK CEEX <br />UNTIL INSURANCE EXPIRES <br />CLERK OFCOUNG!L AMElNDNIENTTO AGREEMENT FOR USE <br />DATE MAR 0 7 2014 OF EMERGENCY SOLUTIONS GRANT FUNDS <br />A- 2013 -048- 011 -01 <br />THIS AMENDMENT, made and entered into this I" day of January 2014, by and between Southwest <br />Minority Economic Development Association, a California nonprofit organization ( "Subrecipient ") and the <br />of the City of Santa Ana, a charter city and municipal corporation of the State of California ( "City"). <br />RECITALS <br />A. The City and Subrecipient entered into that certain Agreement Between the City of Santa Ana <br />and Southwest Minority Economic Development Association for the Use of Emergency Solutions Grant <br />Funds dated July 1, 2013, hereinafter referred to as "said Agreement ", for Subrecipient to receive <br />Emergency Solutions Grant ( "ESG ")Funds in the amount of Twenty Two Thousand Two Hundred <br />Dollars ($22,200.00) for the operation of an emergency shelter program and related services for the <br />homeless. <br />B. The parties hereto now desire to amend the amount of the grant to increase it with additional <br />finding for this fiscal year. This additional money is part of unexpended prior year finding. <br />C. City Council authorized this reallocation at its regular meeting of April 1, 2013. <br />WHEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual and respective covenants and promises hereinafter <br />contained and made, and subject to all of the terms and conditions of said Agreement as hereby amended, <br />the parties hereto do hereby agree as follows; <br />1. The total Grant Award to Subrecipient will be amended to include an additional Eight Thousand <br />One Hundred Seventy Dollars ($$.170.00) for a total grant award of Thirty Thousand Three Hundred <br />Seventy Dollars ($30,370.00) in ESG finds. <br />2. Except as hereinabove modified, the terms and conditions of said Agreement remain unchanged and <br />in fall force and effect. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Amendment to said Agreement the <br />date and year first above written. <br />ATTEST: <br />Maria D. Huizar <br />Cleric of the Council <br />APPROVED AS TO FORM: <br />Sonia R. Carvalho <br />By: Lisa E. Storck <br />Assistant City Attorney <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />David Ca azos <br />City Manager <br />SUBRECIPIENT <br />Southwest Minority Economic <br />Development Association <br />