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and describe any additional on- goin fees <br />Year Three Total: <br />$300,000.00 <br />Year your Casts— If Ren etved <br />Annual License Maintenance and <br />5u ort Fee <br />$300;000;00 * <br />Hosting vertices Fees; IfI-losted by Contractor, identify <br />and describe any additional on -join fees <br />No:Charge <br />YoarFourTotal; <br />$100,000.00* <br />Use of the system f'or testing, internal notification, and emergency purposes is included <br />to the annual license fee for all users; Emergency is defined as a period oftine before, <br />during, and after a situation where life or property is endangered: Other Political:sub- <br />divisions and County of Orange agencics/dcpartments may buy additional OUTREACH <br />and SURVEY non.emergency message units at $10,000.00 per X0,000 egice or text <br />messages. Contractor will continue to offer UNL[WTEla email messages. Other <br />political sub -divisions and County of Orange a geneiesldepartmonts wanting to utilim <br />this and other non -emergency aspects of this Contract will be required to issue their own <br />subordinate contract documents. <br />III. PavirreotTerms <br />Software Annual License or Annual Maintenance atld SunnorC htvoiees for Annual License <br />with Maintenance and Support costs will be submitted amtattly in advance to the address <br />specified below. <br />Contractor shall reference: Contract numbor on ivvoico. Payment will be Net 30 days after <br />receipt of an invoice in a format acceptable to lite County of Orange and verified mid <br />approved by the agency/department and subject to routine processingrequimments. <br />Billing shall cover services and/or goods not previously invoiced. The Connector shall <br />reimburse the County of Orange for any monies paid to [lrc Contractor for goods or services <br />not provided or when goods or services do not meet the Contract requirements, <br />Payments made by the County shall not preclude the right of the County from thereafter <br />disputing any items or services involved or billed under this Contract and shall not be <br />construed as acceptance of any part of lite goods orservicest <br />Iv. Pavntcnt/Invaielnalnsiructfons <br />The Contractor will provide an invoice on Cmdractor's letterhead for services rendered. Eacb <br />invoice will have a number and will include the following infoematian: <br />a, Contractor's name and address <br />b. Contractor's remittance address (if different from f above) <br />c. Name of County agency or department <br />d. County Contract number <br />e. Cast <br />f, Contractor's Federal 1. D. number <br />nlaeKWard Connect. im conirwtor hidal:4P <br />He Patda 625420 31 cwtnct0 MA-060470116aa- <br />