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performed at the vendor's premises in connection with the sale of the product; <br />g. Products which, after distribution or sale by you, have been labeled or relabeled or used <br />as a container, part or ingredient of any other thing or substance by or for the vendor; or <br />h. "Bodily injury" or "property damage" arising out of the sole negligence of the vendor for <br />its own acts or omissions or those of its "employees" or anyone else acting on its behalf. <br />However, this exclusion does not apply to: <br />(1) The exceptions contained in subparagraphs d. or f.; or <br />(2) Such inspections, adjustments, tests or servicing as the vendor has agreed to make <br />or normally undertakes to make in the usual course of business, in connection with <br />the distribution or sale of the products. <br />This insurance does not apply to any insured person or organization, from whom or which <br />you have acquired such products, or any ingredient, part or container, entering into, <br />accompanying or containing such products. <br />The coverage afforded the additional insured under this provision will be excess over any <br />valid and collectible insurance available to the additional insured as an additional insured <br />under a policy issued to a manufacturer or distributor for products manufactured, sold, <br />handled or distributed unless you require that this insurance be primary and non- <br />contributory. <br />19. Broad Knowledge I Notice Of Occurrence <br />Section IV — Commercial General Liability Conditions is amended to include the following: <br />The requirement in Condition 2.a., which states that you must see to it that we are notified of <br />any "occurrence" or offense, applies only when the "occurrence" or offense is known to: <br />1. You, if you are an individual; <br />2. A partner, if you are a partnership; <br />3. A member, if you are a joint venture; <br />4. An "executive officer", manager or supervisor if you are a corporation; or <br />5. A member, if you are a limited liability company. <br />The requirement in Condition 2.b., which states that you must see to it that we receive <br />notice of a claim or "suit", will not be considered breached unless the breach occurs after <br />such claim or "suit" is known to: <br />1. You, if you are an individual; <br />2. A partner, if you are a partnership; <br />3. A member, if you are a joint venture; <br />4. An "executive officer", manager or supervisor if you are a corporation; or <br />5. A member, if you are a limited liability company. <br />If you report an accident to your Workers Compensation insurance carrier which later <br />develops into a claim or "suit" for a liability "occurrence" for coverage which is provided by <br />FM 101.0.1206 01 11 Page 8 of 10 <br />Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Service Office, Inc. with its permission. <br />