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mental anguish, mental injury, humiliation or death resulting from any of these at any time. <br />23. Mobile Equipment <br />Paragraph 12. under Section V - Definitions is amended to include the following: <br />Paragraph f.(1) does not apply to self-propelled vehicles of less than 1,000 pounds gross <br />vehicle weight. <br />24. Waiver Of Sovereign Immunity <br />The following provision applies if you are a "governmental entity" or we have added a <br />"governmental entity"to your policy as an additional insured, and the "governmental entity" <br />requires us to obtain permission prior to asserting a defense involving governmental <br />immunity or the jurisdiction of the tribunal over the "governmental entity": <br />We shall not raise any defense involving, in any way, the jurisdiction of the tribunal over <br />the "governmental entity", the immunity of the "governmental entity" or its <br />commissioners, officers, agents or employees, the governmental nature of such entity, <br />or the provisions of any statutes respecting suits against the "governmental entity" <br />without first obtaining express advance permission from the designated representative of <br />the "governmental entity". <br />Application of this provision shall not subject us to liability for any portion of a claim or <br />judgment in excess of the applicable limit of insurance. <br />For the purposes of this provision, "governmental entity" means a state, county, district, <br />municipality, town, township, borough, parish, village, or other political subdivision or <br />governmental agency or subdivision. <br />25. Liberalization Clause <br />If we adopt a change in the coverage form, CG 00 01, which broadens coverage without an <br />additional premium charge, the broader coverage will apply to this policy on the effective <br />date of approval in the state shown in the Named Insured's address in the Declarations of <br />this policy. <br />26. Application Of This Endorsement <br />The coverage enhancements provided by this endorsement apply to the Commercial <br />General Liability Coverage Part. If your policy includes other endorsements in addition to this <br />General Liability Enhancement Endorsement, and there is a conflict between any of the terms <br />of such endorsement(s) and this General Liability Enhancement Endorsement, the terms of <br />the other endorsement(s) shall be given priority and control over the terms set forth in this <br />General Liability Enhancement Endorsement, even if the terms of such other endorsement(s) <br />have the effect of limiting, excluding or reducing the coverage provided under this General <br />Liability Enhancement Endorsement. <br />All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. <br />FM 101.0.1206 01 11 Page 10 of 10 <br />Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Service Office, Inc. with its permission. <br />