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UP IM1S <br />assess cards shall be removed from the promises during the work clay, Bosh ompIoyom <br />shat( roNru their issued Icoys and access card Immediately at the oad of Clsslr <br />assigned wor(c altlft to the Police 17opRgmsnt Proat dosk staff, The Proposer's employees <br />shall adoquaCely secure the keys on their person while on, We Items that became lost, <br />missing, or stolen shall be Lmmedlateiy reported by the Proposer'$ employees or <br />Suporvlsor to tbe, Police Adndalstratioll Manager, <br />The Proposer shail reimburse tbo Pollee Department for direct and incitsoot 00$10 <br />associated with re- keying any buildings or portions of buildings when the police <br />Department determines that a bromb oC seourily is a result of lost, misplaood, or stolen <br />ltdys lssecad to the Pcopossr's omployeas, <br />4. palljptovae PgWtia. From public parldug is almost non-existent saxrounding the police <br />facility, 'tbore is a stadlum parking structure across from the police faculty, whioh <br />ahazgos an hourly, dally, oz monthly Pea for partdng, Proposer strap ba reapoasiblo <br />fog providing parklug for tholr osnployoos and paying any necessary deed, There Is no <br />on,slto pollcc padking available. <br />5. Now lmployem Anlform� will be provided by the Proposer, 113011 lag shirts and <br />must projoot a profassioaal appearance. <br />5,0 SCOM OFSERVIC95r ZQL1IPMENT & SUPk'g.PES <br />5.1 pmant g ,s lshed by Pcogosty The Proposer shall provide all olaaning <br />appliances, tools, (Le' VaanUM8, mops, carts, floor polishers, laddors, signs, eta.) and all <br />oloantng ehesnleuls, urinal screens anal Cakes, rags, sponges, vacuum bags, treah can <br />liners, soap dispensed cleaners, sanitary napkins, and talaodlanoous supplies. Ali <br />supplies will be ozderod and dollverod br a timely Meonor. <br />Trash ow linara shall ba blank ar ulear In color, To Imura propoe s trongth to avoid testes <br />and spills, liners shall be a tninlrnun cvf 1,n mA thick for 94 gallon or less geoaptaclas and <br />A minimum of 1,25 call Wok for,llners 40 gallons or more, <br />Carpet warranty spoculoations, marble and granito wacrwrty spooifiMdons, and ncoupant <br />ho%M mandate uro following vacuum, floor sornbber, ortd carpet osteaator equipment <br />Speaifloadone (no ofthutioas), All MPA diltec roplaeensonts, vamam bags, aocr <br />bushes and pad holders, sorubblng and polishing bonaeta, end associated items, <br />altaehmonts and solvents/oleanors, shall bo durnlsbod by the Proposer- <br />1. ap Jr l ygeuu q; Vacuum Cleaner Pacer 1.12 TJB with <br />HBPA VICration or sim lar <br />2, ApVroyed canister vacuum; Mighty Cauiator Valle or alnallar <br />3. Ap rroovad wiide area vacuums; SUsk Advance Carpotrlavor 28 or <br />similar <br />to <br />25D -15 <br />