RPP 0.015
<br />ec)uip=om shall stay undor that oosadikon aortal Work Is eompiato, egadpatant is vacated,
<br />and passage is saes by the geaoml public and Polloo Dopartmont emplayeas The proper
<br />gaanAty and type of safety signs, such as "caution wet floor shall be placed by the
<br />propoder'a etnpioysos every temp conditions exist that warrant such sigma, dlgns are to be
<br />piokad ap and stored It the propor Janitor zoom oaoo the oend Qn ao longer exists to
<br />warrant such algae,
<br />13130 le 2 (pee refrigerator - on
<br />ritoadays, one refrigerator, - on Fridays), Cloan Interior and exterior of roPslgerator
<br />snrfacos. Diaposo Of all food and temporary aortfahsers, Do not dispose of permanent
<br />aoutattaars, suph " those made of cuss or metal,' 'Empty oontente of permanent
<br />oontalnets, wash there god hove the permanent contalaars in the desiguatod ]unohroom
<br />area.
<br />5.331 Sprav ouCFL a of H@ Glean and restore a Dolton gloss sad protoodve
<br />finish to rasillsnC file or todazzo ftooza that ors knished with a floor finish, All Chairs,
<br />trash receptacles, eta, shell be tilted or moved wbos naauasary to spray buff undornoadt,
<br />Tbe ontin fiaor shah have s uniform, gIossy appouraaco, free of scuff roat,•1rs, beet merits,
<br />and other stains, and shall be toznovod from bmabcarde, funattaro, trash roaeptaclas, eta,
<br />8,3,32 Wcaldv DueCina of H tnl s and br ar ; Clean all Wads, shades, and draperies Care
<br />shall be take not to spread dual into the *,
<br />5.3,33
<br />Clean all FIVAC vpata sad area lmmodtmoly surrounding theta, Dust all atrium
<br />at tho glass /wood roiling areas sad at the atrium stalrs, Bust lunohtown drywall
<br />Care shall be taken not to spread dusrinto the air.
<br />5,1 4 Weekly ktgh Ruginu; Remove dust, cobwebs, oily fllm, eta, from all fixtures and
<br />sarfaoca above l'i Feat from the top of tho floor, 'rifle inoiudm lights, grills, light fixttues,
<br />pipes, aprlol4er system, oabies, ledges, wawa, atrivan wood end ledges, oellings, Yeats,
<br />oto. Caine sball be taksa not to spread dust Into the air, Dust: free products shag be used
<br />such as tatero'fiber dusting rags.
<br />5,3,35 c bing lt na +t ar 1 Deep elenrdng to be
<br />parforasxed in a mannov to remove boavy stains, mildew and mineral deposits from tho
<br />surflace, After scrubbing, the satdsaas shad be rinsad thorouably to remove all remaialag
<br />aleuuing solution. Attar olostilttg, tbs floor gad grout shaft buva a unlfoetn appearaneo
<br />Ace ikons filet, miaorals, deposits, corrosion atatnv, etc. Areas not.aoWsslble with the
<br />buffer sb.all be mangally scrubbed with an abrasive pact. Apply aeaior to tilu areas, after
<br />maohlna scrubbing 0 rapt in shower areas,
<br />i,3,3ApalartaslyRo -y n Via f Ti o lxioore; If theta two black marks, marlca from chair
<br />antics, ur Imbedded sell In the finish, they shall be removad before ro- waxing, A uniform
<br />cast of approved ficoe fialah shall be applied. After the Web has dxied, ae apposraacs
<br />eh,all be uni.Porut witty fro visihle sttoas ma*s, swirls, oto, Remove all otripping or
<br />15
<br />25D -20
<br />