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COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY <br />THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY, PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. <br />This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: <br />COMMERCIAL GENERAL. LIABILITY COVERAGE PART <br />1. Tile following is added to SECTION 11— WHO Is <br />AN INSURED: <br />Any person or organization that you agree in a <br />"written contract requiring insurance" to Include as <br />an additional insured on this Coverage Part, but: <br />a. Only with respect to liability for "bodily injury", <br />"properly damage" or "personal Injury" and <br />b. If, and only to the extent that, the injury or <br />damage is caused by facts or omissions of <br />you or your subcontractor in Phe performance; <br />of "your work" to which the 'written contract <br />requiring insurance" applies, The person or <br />organization does not quality as an additional <br />insured with respect to the independent acts <br />or omissions of such person or organization. <br />The insurance provided to such additional insured <br />is limited as follows: <br />C, in the event that the Limits of Insurance of <br />this Coverage Part shown in the Declarations <br />exceed the limits of liability required by the <br />"written contract requiring Insurance", the in- <br />surance provided to the additional insured <br />shall be limited to the limits of liability required <br />by that "written contract requiring insurance". <br />This endorsement shall not increase the limits <br />of insurance described in Section III — Limits <br />Of Insurance. <br />d. This insurance does not apply to the render - <br />ng of or failure to render any "professional <br />services" or construction management errors <br />or omissions. <br />e. This Insurance does not apply to "bodily in- <br />jury" or "property damage" caused by "your <br />werk" and included in the "pi'oducts- <br />completad operations hazard" unless the <br />"written contract requiring insurance" specifi- <br />cally requires you to provide such coverage <br />for that additional insured, and then the insur- <br />ance provided to the additional insured ap- <br />plies only to such "bodily injury" or "property <br />damage" that occurs before the end of the pe- <br />riod of time for which the "written aontlact re- <br />quiring insurance" requires you to provide <br />such coverage or the end of the policy period, <br />whichever Is earlier. <br />2. The following is added to Paragraph 4.a. of SEC- <br />TION IV — COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY <br />CONDITIONS: <br />The insurance provided to the additional insured <br />is excess over any valid and collectible "other in- <br />surance,", whether primary, excess, contingent or <br />on any other basis, that 13 available to the addi- <br />tional insured for a Toss we never- However, if you <br />sped icaily agree in the "written uOntraet requirhig- <br />insurance"`that this insurance provided to the ad- <br />ditional insured under this Coverage fart must <br />apply on a primary basis or a primary and non- <br />contributory basis, this insurance is primary to <br />"other insurance" available to the additional in- <br />sured which covers that person or organizationas <br />a named Insured for such loss, Land we will not <br />share with that "othor Insurance" But this Insur- _ <br />ante provided to the additional insured still is ex- <br />eass over any valid and collectible "other Insur- <br />ance", whether primary, excess, contingent or on <br />any other basis, that is available to the additional <br />insured when that person or organization is an <br />additional insured under any "other Insurance". <br />3- 11he following is added to SECTION IV — COM- <br />MERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS: <br />Duties Of An Additional Insured <br />As a condition of coverage provided to the addl- <br />tional insured: <br />a. The additional insured must give us written <br />notice as soon as practicable of an "occur- <br />rence" or an offense which may result in a <br />claim. To the extent possible, such notice <br />should include: <br />CCD4140<408 ©20G6iNTmriseOon;oaian�dn����s'" <br />i' <br />Page 'I of 2 <br />`)/3 <br />