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For these services, Silver & Wright proposes a blended rate of $179 per hour for attorneys <br />and $100 per hour for paralegals and law clerics. This rate includes drafting and filing documents <br />with the court, obtaining and evaluating medical records, attending court hearings, settlement <br />negotiations, preparing settlement documents and communicating with opposing counsel and City <br />staff, as well as trials and appeals. <br />G. Ordinance Drafting and General Code Enforcement Services. <br />RATE: $179 per hour. <br />At Silver & Wright, we have helped numerous cities develop ordinances allowing them to <br />aggressively and effectively deal with a wide variety of issues relating to cost recovery, nuisance <br />abatement, property maintenance, graffiti, foreclosures, administrative citations and procedures, <br />liens and assessments, public offenses and many others. <br />For these services, and any miscellaneous and or general code enforcement related services <br />not otherwise provided for in this proposal, Silver & Wright proposes a blended rate of $179 per <br />hour for attorneys and $100 per hour for paralegals and law clerks. <br />B. RECEIVERSHIPS <br />RATE: $179 per hour <br />Receiverships are a very powerful tool to abate dilapidated buildings and structures, to <br />enforce judgments and preserve property interests. At Silver & Wright, we have experience in both <br />Health & Safety Code based receiverships and Code of Civil Procedure based receiverships. Mr. <br />Silver frequently teaches classes on receiverships for a local community college and throughout the <br />State for code enforcement and building associations. We have also published articles on this <br />unique and effective remedy. <br />If handled correctly, two of the main benefits of Health & Safety Code based receiverships <br />are guaranteed compliance and frill recovery of attorneys' fees and staff costs. Cities can also avoid <br />the costs and other difficulties involved in abating the nuisances itself by seeking a court appointed <br />receiver to solve the problem — all at the expense of the nuisance property and its owner. With <br />receiverships, the City never has to pay the actual costs of abating the nuisance conditions. <br />We have handled several receiverships and successfully obtained complete nuisance <br />abatement, judgments ensuring ongoing compliance and awards of full attorneys' fees and staff costs <br />for our clients. Our unique expertise and strategies help ensure that cities are freed from the dangers <br />and blight presented by substandard properties, and that they do not bear the costs of enforcement. <br />For receivership services, Silver & Wright proposes a blended rate of $179 per hour for <br />attorneys and $$100 for paralegals and law clerks. <br />C. PITCHESS MOTION DEFENSE <br />FLAT RATE: $989 per motion; $179 per hour for wits and appeals. <br />Pitcbess motion defense is a very specialized area of the law based in statute, but heavily <br />augmented by case law. Pitcbess defense is vital for the City to show support for its police officers, to <br />protect police officers' rights and privacy, and to maximize the effectiveness of law enforcement <br />