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Our T-echCore"I Grievance Tracker provides automated daily mall notifications to multiple key <br />operations and risk management staff, including our General Counsel, This innovative daily alert <br />features ensures that urgent issues receive immediate attention, from the right people. <br />NaphCare's grievance process begins by ensuring that inmates have an open forum to voice their <br />complaints and that no inmate will be denied = accesstothe grievance process, Our personnel are <br />trained to seek resolution to inmate concerns before they escalate Into grievances, Once an Inmate <br />files a grievance, however, a systematic process is triggered that is fully compliant with all relevant <br />NCCHCguldelines. This process is overseen by our Corporate Medical Director and our Genera[ <br />Counsel. Any grievances that we are unable to successfultyaddresswill be escalated to an appeal <br />process. Below isan outline of our grievance process: <br />• Upon entrance into the SAJ, each Inmate receives information about the grievance procedure <br />and how to file a grievance form. <br />• All Naph care personnel are required to attend training regard ing the grievance procedure. <br />• Inmates with special needs (such as impaired vision, hearing problems, language barriers, etc.) <br />who requestspeclal assistance in completing a grievance form receive assistance, <br />• No inmate will be denied access to the grievance process. <br />• Grievance notification alerts are emailedautomaticallyto key staff daily. <br />+ Grievances are reviewed and responded to by healthcare staff daily. <br />Ourgrievance process complies with all relevant NCCHC guidelines, <br />-- tiurgrievance process includes electronic tracking of all medical grievances and concerns, along <br />with our healthcare staff's response: <br />: NaphGare personnel receive ongoing corporate support and education pertaining to grievance <br />management. <br />NapfiCare regularly creates and reviews reports of grievances and their disposition to help identify <br />and resolve problem trends, we do this because we view grievances as an instrument for helping us <br />identify ways to continually improve our care and processes. In keeping with this philosophy, <br />NaphCare prepares a corrective action plan for substantiated grievances. This methodical approach <br />to grievance tracking results In ever - improving patient care, <br />17.. Exctusinns <br />a, NaphCare will be under no obligations to provide or pay for the following types of servlces. <br />I, cosmetic surgery' <br />ii, Sex change surgery <br />III, Elective vasectomy, tubal ligation, hysterectomy and other elective care, which for file <br />purposes of this contract shall mean care which It not provided would not cause the <br />inmate's health to deteriorate or cause definite harm to the inmate's well - being. <br />iv, Care, treatment or surgery determined to he experimental in accordance with accepted <br />medical standard's <br />v. Neonatal or newborn care (prenatal and obstetric•services: Mall he provided when required) <br />vi. Contraceptive devices and medications, <br />Inmate Medical Services RFP No, 14 -034 <br />City of Santa Ana 67 <br />25H -71 <br />