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`7 <br />y�r 1rv�ePw'danf MwUbmrm choice:. <br />December 12, 2012 - ICG Audit for Suffolk County House of Corrections <br />Just a short time later, In December 2012, the SCHC received high remarks from Marc F. Stern, follDviing an <br />ICE audit. Stern remarked that "Wlthin the limits [the[ examination, [the] quality of are delivered at SCHOC <br />Ds] generally good to very good. Of particular note are involved, knowledgeable, and patient- focused local <br />and corporate leaders, such as the Health Services Administrator, Regional Nurse Administrator, and <br />Corporate Medical Director." <br />February 2013 -ICE Audit for Suffolk County House of Corrections <br />More recently, in February 2013, the SCHC'received additional high remarks from the Director of <br />Compliance, Jeffery 5. Blumberg, following an ICE audit. Blumberg. stated that "it [was] a very positive <br />development that, our medical expert determined that many of the problems identifled in [the[ 2010 <br />recommendation memorandum are no longer present at SCHOC. ' <br />Ilaurgtnn ftaatls Regiirnai jail (flRitj� Ice Inspection kiisturjr <br />December 14,2012 —I CE Audit for HR RJ <br />Shortly after NaphCare took over the contract to provide comprehensive healthcare services forthe HRRJ In <br />2012, the ICE Office of Detention Oversight performed an audit, which produced no egregious concerns, The <br />Medical Department; which is under Naphiare`s care,; was the only department in the close out <br />conference with no deficient practices and no on -site corrections required. Flue best practices were c€ted <br />by the aualtors€ <br />• NaphCare's two-part intake process: during regular intake hours, for Inmates who our RN deems as <br />having a positive mental health screening; a Mental Health Professional is available to complete an .. <br />Intake evaluation; <br />• Physical exams completed at intake; <br />• Use of an excellent electronic medical record system that is tailored to the corrections environment, <br />• Sick calls delivered from kiosk to the electronic medical record forsick call scheduling; and <br />• Proficiency in operations less than 6 months of the start of the new contract, <br />We encourageyou to contact the ICE audit Inspector, who will provide yoLl with unbiased feedback on our <br />ICE inspection preparedness: <br />Derek T. Anderson I Detention Services Manager <br />U.S. Department of Ho€ LeIand Security <br />Immigration & Customs Enforcement Detention Monitoring Unit, Washington D.C. <br />Pi (757) 4893500, is= 2306 <br />€: <br />Inmate Medical Services.. RFP Hoe 14-034 <br />City of Santa Ana 86 <br />25H -90 <br />