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9784 Dally Appellate Report Monday, July 29, 2013 <br />ENVIRONMENTAL LAW I <br />" <br />The Comity failed to adopt adequate measures <br />to mitigate significant impacts from truck traffic <br />along a private road associated with the Project <br />Environmental impact report <br />And &Wally that the EIR failed to adequately <br />for quarry project should not <br />evaluate Project alternatives. <br />have been approved because it <br />We agree with Masonite's contentions <br />did not mitigate loss of prime <br />involving: recirculation for comment on possible" <br />farmland on property, <br />mitigation measures that can protect the Frog; <br />the infeasibility of agricultural conservation <br />easements and in -lieu fees; discussion of <br />cumulative impacts on farmland; and mitigation <br />Cite as 2013 DJDAR 9784 <br />measures for truck traffic. Accordingly, we, <br />reverse the judgment denying the petition for <br />writ of mandate, with directions that the County <br />set aside its certification of the EIR, and prepare ' <br />and circulate a supplemental EIR that addresses <br />MASONITE CORPORATION, <br />the errors we identify. <br />Petitioner and Appellant, <br />I. BACKGROUND <br />V. <br />COUNTY OF MENDOCINO et al., <br />Defendants and Respondents; <br />The Project is a sand and gravel quarry to <br />be developed on 65.3 acres approximately one <br />GRANITE CONSTRUCTION <br />mile north of Ukiah. The site is bordered on the <br />COMPANY, <br />north by Ackerman Creek, on the east by the <br />Real Party in Interest and <br />Russian River, on the south by property owned <br />by Masonite, and on the west by Kunzler Ranch <br />Respondent. <br />Road. Most of the site is cultivated as a vineyard, i <br />No. A134896 <br />with an open space portion in the northeast and a <br />(Mendocino County Super. Ct. <br />truck maintenance shop at the northwest corner. <br />Forty-five acres of the site's 65 acres are classified <br />No. SCUK CVPT 1056883) <br />California Courts of Appeal <br />as "prime farmland' but the site has been zoned <br />First Appellate District <br />for industrial use since 1982. It is surrounded by <br />lumber mill to the north of Ackerman Creek, <br />Division Three <br />Filed July 25, 2013 <br />a <br />agricultural land to the east of the Russian <br />River, Masonites industrial property to the <br />south (described as "vacant" on area maps), and <br />CERTIFIED FOR PARTIAL PUBLICATION* <br />industrial and commercial properties to the west ' <br />Granite plans to extract 3.37 trillion tons of <br />aggregate from 30.3 acres of the site over a 25. <br />' Pursuant to California Rules of Court, rules 8.1105 @) <br />and 8.1110, this opinlm is cerntted for publication with the <br />year period. The mine is designed to operate <br />year- round, six days a week, 14 hours a day.' <br />exception of parts H.B., Q.D., BE,, and IIB <br />The mining will be done in phases to allow for <br />concurrent site reclamation, and five years i <br />of reclamation are planned after the mining <br />Masonite Corporation ( Masonite) appeals <br />operations are complete. Following reclamation, <br />from a judgment denying its petition for writ of <br />the northwestern portion of the property will be <br />mandate to set aside approvals by Mendocino <br />available for future industrial uses, and the rest of <br />County (County) of the Ktwler Terrace Mine <br />the site will be "open space (ponds)." '- <br />Project (Project) to be developed by Granite <br />Granite submitted an application to the <br />Construction Company (Granite•, Granite and the <br />County for approval of a conditional use <br />County are hereafter referred to collectively as <br />permit and reclamation plan for the Project in <br />. <br />respondents), and the final environmental impact <br />February 2008. The County determined that <br />report (EIR) for its Project, for failure to comply <br />an environmental impact report was required, <br />with the California Environmental Quality Act <br />solicited comments from government agencies <br />(CEQA) (Pub. Resources Code, § 21000 et seq.). <br />in April 2008, and noticed preparation of a draft <br />Masonite argues the approval process and <br />environmental impact report (Draft) in October. <br />the EIR were deficient in several ways. The <br />The Draft was released for public and agency <br />County was required to recirculate the EIR <br />review in September 2009. Among those who <br />because the Project as approved had significantly <br />commented critically on the Draft and the Project <br />greater impacts than the one originally proposed. <br />were SCS Engineers on behalf of Masonite, and <br />Recirculation was also required because the <br />Russian Riverkeeper, an organization dedicated <br />' EIR disclosed a new significant impact on the <br />to protection of the Russian River environment <br />' <br />Foothill Yellow - Tailed Frog (Frog) that was not <br />The EIR was released for review on May <br />adequately mitigated. The County erroneously <br />3, 2010, . The EIR identified two significant and - <br />determined that conservation easements and in- <br />unavoidable Project impacts, the permanent 4 <br />lieu fees were not feasible ways to mitigate the <br />loss of prime farmland, and traffic problems that + <br />i; loss of prime farmland "due to the Project. The <br />would develop by the year 2030. The EIR came <br />' <br />EIR did not adequately analyze the Project's <br />before the County Planning Commission on May <br />i. <br />cumulative impacts on agricultural resources. <br />20, 2010. After considering public comments, <br />i <br />�1 4�'uv1Y <br />758 -63 <br />