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POLICY NUMBER: DAN 10OC302 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY <br />INSURED' J&G Industries, Inc. CG 20 10 10 01 <br />THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. <br />ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, LESSEES OR <br />CONTRACTORS -SCHEDULED PERSON OR <br />ORGANIZATION APPROVED AS T€JFCORNI <br />This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: <br />1,aura k Rossini <br />COMMERCIAL. GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART ..,...t,.:,..d,. r+as,. A a.a,..»» <br />SCHEDULE naaassetasx c.,. ix .t3L63I'A Cl <br />Name of Person or Organization: T.^ <br />As Required by Written Contract <br />(if no entry appears above, information required to complete this endorsement will be shown in the Declarations <br />as applicable to this endorsement.} <br />A. Section 11 — Who Is An Insured is amended to <br />include as an insured the person or organization <br />shown in the Schedule.. but only with respect to <br />liability arising of' <br />of your ongoing operations <br />performed for that insured. <br />B. With respect to the insurance afforded to those <br />additional insureds. the following exclusion is <br />added: <br />(1) All work, including materials, parts or <br />equipment furnished in connection with <br />such work, on the project (other than <br />service, maintenance or repairs) to be <br />performed by or on behalf of the addi- <br />tional Insureds) at the site of the cov- <br />ered operations has been completed; <br />or <br />2. Exclusions (2) That portion of "your work' out of <br />which the injury or damage arses has <br />This insurance does not apply to "bodily inju- been put to Its intended use by any <br />ry" or "property damage" occurring after: person or organization other than an- <br />other contractor or subcontractor en- <br />gaged in performing operations for a <br />principal as a part of the same project, <br />Other Covera e's prov€ded this insured our pa[11gyForm: <br />EllgUTA111CLAUSE <br />Ibis hereby understood and agree,,! that the insurance ceduled herein, shall be considered primary Insurance to that or arty ooh=r valid and <br />collectible insurance hold by the additional insured cerofcale holder, and the additional insured's instaanc> scall Ue considered eiteas cover- <br />age only, and not contributory as respects the. Warned Insured where required by conpaG. <br />W ANF. R OF TRON:�S�'R Q.ERtGtil'S Of�t,CCOYERY <br />we waive any right of «cowry we may have against a person or orgaNzatton IaKause of payments we mike r<rr injwy or damage arising out <br />of your ongoing operations or "your work" done under a comrnrt fall) that been or orcgadzetlon and InCuded trr tire "r:rcrtuGs¢ompletad <br />operations hazard" when you have waived such right or rozorery under a written connect with that person or organization. Such mitten <br />contras muse to: <br />a. Currently in effect yr becoming offertive during the term of this policy, and <br />in Executed prior to the "irndly Injury', "property damage" or "personal or advertising Injury", or <br />e. ExeCUmd after the "bodily injury" "property damage" or"personal and advertising injury" if; <br />1. The terms and condithns or the writer, cantrad or wutten at raement had been agi eed urmr odor m the'codlly rnjr ry"property <br />damage" cr'personal and advertising injury ; and <br />2, l'he insured _ar� deFctlt vclr establish th.t dre h.r^s and cortiirms of dr wridd- wirtract or huddin finreonrent ulCmatrlr oxecumd <br />are the same as those -,vhu[, had been agreed upon orbr to the "h0olly injwy', "Propa ty dCmaye' or "personai and ads mong in- <br />jur1,. <br />'by <br />co 20 10 1001 C) ISO Properties, Inc , 2000 Pago 1 of 1 El <br />