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1.2 Terms And Conditions <br />SERVICE TERMS AND CONDITIONS (REV. 10109) <br />Article 1: General <br />1.1 (a) This Agreement constitutes the entire, complete and exclusive <br />agreement between the parties relating to the services ( "Services ") to be <br />provided by SIEMENS and supersedes and cancels all prior proposals, <br />agreements and understandings, written or oral, relating to the subject matter of <br />this Agreement. Neither party may assign the Agreement or any tights or <br />obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of the other except that <br />either party may assign this Agreement to Its affiliates and SIEMENS may <br />grant a security Interest In the proceeds to be paid to SIEMENS under this <br />Agreement, assign proceeds of the Agreement; and /or use subcontractors in <br />performance of the SeMces, The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall <br />not be modified or rescinded except in writing, with the prior approval of the <br />Legal Departments of SIEMENS and Customer and signed by duly authorized <br />officers or managers of SIEMENS and Customer. <br />(b) Nothing contained In this Agreement shell be construed to give any rights <br />or benefits to anyone other than the Customer and SIEMENS without the <br />Nwritten consent of both parties. All provisions of this Agreement <br />allocating responslblity or liability between the tables shall survive the <br />completion of the Services and termination of this Agreement. <br />(c) Certain terms and conditions contained herein may not apply to the Services <br />to be provided hereunder. It is the intent of the partles, however, that the <br />Interpretation to be given to the terns and conditions Is to apply all terms and <br />conditions unless clearly Inapplicable given the type of Services included. <br />1.2 This Agreement shall be governed by and enforced In accordance with the <br />laws of the State of Illinois. Any litigation arising under this Agreement shall be <br />brought in the Stale or Commonwealth in which the Services are provided to <br />Customer. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, THE PARTIES WAIVE <br />ANY RIGHT TO A JURY TRIAL ON MATTERS ARISING OUT OF THIS <br />AGREEMENT. <br />1.3 After the expiration of the Initial Term, this Agreement shell autometical , renewfor <br />successive one year periods beginning on the anniversary date of the Initial Term mless <br />stated otherwise in the Agreement. <br />1.4 Eill'rar party may terminate or amend this Agreement at the end of the Initial Tenn <br />or at the end of a renewal term by giving the other party at least sixty (60) days pror <br />written notice of such amendments orintent net to renew. <br />1.5 If, during or within 90 days after the term of this Agreement, Customer engages <br />any SIEMENS employee who has Performed wodc under this or any other agreement <br />between Customer and SIEMENS, Customer shall pay SIEMENS an amount e4ual to <br />the employee's latest annual salary. <br />Amcfe 2: Covered Equipment <br />2.1 "Covered equipment" shall mean that equipment expressly identified as <br />System Components In this Agreement The Customer represents that at the <br />commencement of this Agreement all Covered Equipment Is In satisfactory <br />working condition and complies with all applicable codes. <br />2.2 If the fire or life safety system is included as part of the Covered <br />Equipment does not comply with all applicable codes or if removal of any <br />Covered Equipment from coverage would compromise or impair the Integrlty er <br />the compliance with law of any system or Services, and Customer fails to take <br />corrective action, then SIEMENS may terminate this Agreement without further <br />obligation and retain all monies received pursuant to this Agreement. <br />2.3 All testing and inspection of any Covered Equipment provided for in this <br />Agreement will be performed at the time and place and in the manner deemed <br />appropriate by SIEMENS, in accordance with applicable law and the <br />requirements of then current National Fire Protection Association ( "NPPA ") <br />guidelines if applicable, and other relevant standards. Customer is solely <br />responsible for, and hereby indemnifies and holds SIEMENS harmless from <br />and against, any liability arising from Customer's specification of a testing <br />schedule otherthen than current NFPA or other applicable standards or laws. <br />2.4 If the Covered Equipment is altered or moved by any person, including <br />Customer, other than SIEMENS or a person authorized by it, Customer shall <br />immediately notify SIEMENS In writing, and SIEMENS reserves the right to <br />perform a reaccepemoss test on, or, if necessary, a recommissioning of the <br />system at Customer's expense. Reacceptance tests will be performed in <br />accordance with than current NFPA or other applicable requirements, and <br />charged on a time and materials basis. <br />Arlicle 3: Services by SIEMENS <br />31 SIEMENS shall only perform the Services identified in this Agreement. <br />3.2 SIEMENS shall have no liability or obligation to continue providing <br />Services in the event Customer falls to (a) authorize a reabeeptance test or <br />recommissioning that SIEMENS reasonably deems necessary; (b) notify <br />SIEMENS of arty modifications or changes to the Covered Equipment or <br />unusual or materially changed operating conditions, hours of usage, system <br />malfundlons or bulldtng alterations that may affect the SeMce% (c) provide the <br />access to any site where Services are to be performed; or (d) operate, service <br />or maintain the Covered Equipment in accordance with manufacturer's or <br />supplier's Instructions or this Agreement. After any of the aforesaid events <br />SIEMENS may terminate or suspend services under this Agreement <br />immediately, upon giving notice to Customer <br />3.3 Any repairs and replacements of Covered Equipment as may he expressly <br />Siemens Industry, Inc., Building Technologies Division <br />Included In the Services are limited to restoring the proper working condition of <br />such Covered Equipment. SIEMENS will not be obligated to provide <br />replacement Covered Equipment that represents significant capital <br />Improvement compared to the original. Exchanged or removed components <br />become the property of SIEMENS, except Hazardous Materials, which under <br />ell circumstances remain the property and responsibility of Customer, <br />3.4 Unless agreed otherwise, Services do not Include and SIEMENS Is not <br />responsible for (a)', (a) service or provision of consumable supplies, including <br />but not limited to baberlas and helon cylinder charging; (b) reinstallation or <br />relocation of Covered Equipment; (c) painting or refinishing of Covered <br />Equipment or surrounding surfaces; (d) changes to Services', (e) parts, <br />accessories, attachments or other devices added to Covered Equipment but <br />not furnished by SIEMENS; (f) failure to continually provide suitable operating <br />environment including, but not limited to, adequate space, ventilation, electrical <br />power and protection from the elements; or (g) the removal or reinstallation of <br />replacement valves, dempem, waterflow switches, venting or draining systems. <br />SIEMENS is not responsible for services performed on any Covered <br />Equipment other then by SIEMENS or Its agents. <br />3.5 The Services shall be performed Ina manner consistent with the degree of <br />care and skill ordinarily exercised by persons performing the same or similar <br />Servlces In the same locale under similar circumstances and contlitlons, <br />3.6 SIEMENS shell perform the Services during Its local, normal working <br />hours, unless otherwise stated In this Agreement. <br />3.7 SIEMENS Is not required to conduct safety or other tests, Install or <br />maintain any devices or equipment or make modifications or upgrades to any <br />equipment beyond the scope of this Agreement. Any request to change the <br />scope or the nature of the Services must be in the form of a mutually agreed <br />change order, effective only when executed by all parties hereto. <br />3.8 All reports and drawings specifically prepared for and deliverable to <br />Customer pursuant to this Agreement ('Deliverables ") shall became Customer's <br />property upon full payment to SIEMENS. SIEMENS may retain file copies of <br />such Deliverables. All other reports, notes, calculations, data, drawings, <br />estimates, specifications, manuals, other documents and all computer <br />programs, codes and computerzed materials prepared by or for SIEMENS are <br />Instruments of SIEMENS' work ( "Instruments ") and shall remain SIEMENS <br />property. Siemens conveys no license to software unless otherwise expressly <br />provided In this Agreement. All Deliverables and Instruments provided to <br />Customer are for Permitted Users use only for the purposes disclosed to <br />SIEMENS, and Customer shall not transfer them to others or use them or <br />permit them to be used for any extension of the Services or any other purpose, <br />without SIEMENS' express written consent. Any reuse of Deliverables or <br />Instruments for other projects or locations without the written consent of <br />SIEMENS, or use by any party other than Permitted Users, will be at Permitted <br />Users' sole risk and without liability to SIEMENS; and, in addition to any other <br />rights SIEMENS may have, Customer shall indemnify, defend and hold <br />SIEMENS harmless from any claims, losses or damages arising therefrom. <br />3.9 Customer acknowledges that SIEMENS, in the normal conduct of its <br />business, may use concepts, skills and know -how developed while performing <br />other contracts. Customer acknowledges the benefit which may accrue to it <br />though this practice, and accordingly agrees that anything in this Agreement <br />notwithstanding Siemens may continue, without payment of a royalty, this <br />practice of using concepts, skills and know -how developed while performing this <br />Agreement. <br />3.18 Where Services include energy consulting, any estimates of probable <br />construction or implementation costs, financial evaluations, feasibility studies or <br />economic analyses prepared by SIEMENS, the documents prepared for the <br />Customer will represent SIEMENS' best judgment based on SIEMENS' <br />experience and the Information reasonably available to SIEMENS at the time <br />that the Services are performed. Customer acknowledges that SIEMENS does <br />not conti (a) the costs of labor, materials, equipment or services furnished by <br />others; (b) overall market conditions; or, (e) contractors' methods of <br />determining prices. Accordingly, Customer acknowledges that proposals, bids <br />or actual costs may differ from opinions, evaluations or studies submitted by <br />SIEMENS as part of the Services provided hereunder. <br />3.11 Where Services include EMC, SIEMENS will have a disaster recovery <br />plan and a disaster contingency plan. <br />Article 4: Reeponslbiilties of Customer <br />Al Customer, without cost to SIEMENS, shall: <br />(a) Designate a contact person with author yto make decisions for Customer <br />regarding the Services and provide SIEMENS with Information sufficient to <br />contact such person in an emergency. If such representative cannot be <br />reached, any request for Services received from a person located at <br />Customer's site will be deemed authorized by Customer, and SIEMENS will, in <br />Its reasonable discretion, act acoordingiy; <br />(b) Provide or arrange without cost all reasonable provisions, means and <br />access for SIEMENS to any site and the equipment where Services are to be <br />performed; <br />(e) Permit SIEMENS to control and /or operate all controls, systems, <br />apparatus, equipment and machinery necessary to perform the Services; <br />Service Only 2009 <br />Siemens Industry, Inc. 9/5/2013 Page 9 <br />