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RUTAN <br />Vince C. Fregoso <br />January 24, 2014 <br />Page 2 <br />The Schools have prepared the Response Memorandum attached to this letter as Exhibit <br />A, which surveys community member comments on the originally- proposed project, and <br />explains in how the Historic Preservation Alternative addresses those concerns. The Response <br />Memorandum also suggests modifications to the Draft EIR, so that the record of the City's <br />exhaustive efforts at historic preservation on the project site are more fully documented. <br />In addition to the Response Memorandum, we attach the following supplemental <br />materials to this letter to assist the City in evaluating the project: <br />• Shade and Shadow Renderines: At the January 2013 Planning Commission <br />meeting on this matter, questions were raised concerning the shade and shadow <br />effects of the proposed development. In response to those inquires, the Schools <br />commissioned a shade and shadow analysis, which is attached to this Ietter as Exhibit <br />B. As the renderings show, the shade and shadow effects on adjoining development <br />are minimal, with no shadows cast on structures and only minor shadows cast on back <br />yards doing the late fall and winter morning hoes. <br />• Arborist Study: Throughout the entitlement process, the Schools and the City have <br />heard various claims concerning the health of the trees on the property. The Schools <br />retained an expert arborist to study this issue. The arborist's report is attached as <br />Exhibit C. h1 short, the arborist concluded that only 24 of the trees are healthy, that <br />the property is not currently a viable orchard, and that restoration and operation of the <br />entire property as an orchard is economically infeasible. <br />• Traffic Analysis. Through the public review and outreach process, community <br />members inquired as to whether the installation of a "crash gate" at the south end of <br />Lyon Avenue on the project site would cause any additional traffic impacts beyond <br />those analyzed in the EIR for the project. The additional traffic analysis is attached as <br />Exhibit D. That analysis concludes that, with or without a crash gate, the impacts of <br />the project will be identical. <br />All of the materials attached to this letter have been provided in an effort to ensure that the City <br />has the information it needs to make a fully informed decision. To that end, please do not <br />6 80/048770 -0940 <br />6602364.1 .011.4 114 <br />75A -84 <br />