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s <br />Cty of Sonla Aria • RFP u14-036 - anlosca(x, fthi *eclurcal Design fof cacific Electric Pa,k gGmmunkytnsplrodSirms ;Jr <br />/� I. DESIGN <br />/�'I +al c �� me nts GROUP <br />applies to the work to be performed under this contract, Section 7(b) requires that to the greatest <br />extent feasible (1) preference and opportunities for training and omployment subcontracts shall be given <br />to Indiana, and (11) preference in the award of contracts and suboontracts shall be given to Indian <br />organizations and Indian -owned Gconomic Enterprises, Parties to this contract that are subject to the <br />provisions of Section 3 and Section 7 (b) agree to comply with Section 3 to the maximum extent <br />feasible, but not in derogation of compliance with Section 7(b). <br />For the purpose of training and employment the prlrnar Y Section 3 covered project area is the area in <br />closest proximity to the actual construction work site within the U.S. Census Tract in which the project is <br />located. It Is understood [hat priority for employment opportunity is to be given to residents residing <br />within the primary Section 3 area as defined. <br />A Section 3 area resident is any lower income Individual residing within the Section 3 area, whose total <br />family Income does not exceed 80% of the median Income of the metropolitan statistical area In which <br />the project Is located (Orango County). A public housing resident is defined by regulations as Section 3 <br />resident, regardless of income, <br />The contractor and each subcontractor certifies that they will provide, to the greatest extent feasible, <br />opportunities for employment to lower Income residents (local residents) and job opportunities In <br />connection with projects In their neighborhoods. For fiscal year 1996 -97, minimum goal for each <br />project is 30 %. <br />'rho Contractor /Sub - contractor /Service Provider by the signature affixed hereto declares under penalty <br />Provider has read Section 3 requirements and accepts all <br />Other operations within the City of Santa Ana. <br />Signature <br />08 tfT" MuI= TMOkj�cj <br />Print Name and Title <br />Print Neme and Title <br />Print Name and Title <br />�bato <br />19 SANJUAN CAPISTRANO - SACRAMENTO Cily of Sane age 23 Fr' 1N n3G <br />www.RJMddaipngroupxom - (949) 093.2600 <br />25D -58 <br />