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31A - CUP - 2800 N MAIN ST UNIT 1100
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
31A - CUP - 2800 N MAIN ST UNIT 1100
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Last modified
9/11/2014 4:54:09 PM
Creation date
9/11/2014 4:49:07 PM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Planning & Building
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Sec. 41 -196, Establishments selling alcoholic beverages. <br />Operational standards for on -sale establishments. The following operational standards <br />shall be included in the conditions of approval for the conditional use permit required <br />pursuant to Section 41 -196 <br />1. The premises shall at all times be maintained as a bona -fide eating establishment <br />as defined in Section 23038 of the California Business and Professions code and <br />shall provide a menu containing an assortment of foods normally offered. The <br />premises must have suitable kitchen facilities and supply an assortment of foods <br />commonly ordered at various hours of the day. Full and complete meals must be <br />served whenever the privileges of the on -sale license are being exercised. <br />2. There shall be no fixed bar or lounge area upon the premises maintained for the <br />sole purpose of sales, service or consumption of alcoholic beverages directly to <br />patrons. A fixed bar or lounge may be permitted if patrons may order food being <br />offered to the general patrons of the eating establishment. <br />3. The sales, service, and consumption of alcoholic beverages shall be permitted <br />only between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 a.m. unless otherwise amended by <br />the granting of a conditional use permit for after -hours operations pursuant to <br />Santa Ana Municipal Code Chapter 41. <br />4. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to ensure that no alcoholic beverages are <br />consumed on any property adjacent to the licensed premises under the control of <br />the applicant, with the exception of any enclosed patio areas. <br />5. The applicant or an employee of the licensee must be present to monitor all areas <br />of the establishment, including outdoor patios, during all times that alcoholic <br />beverages are being served or consumed. <br />6. All employees serving alcoholic beverages must complete Responsible Beverage <br />Service Training, or an equivalent approved by the State Department of Alcoholic <br />Beverage Control, prior to being able to serve alcoholic beverages to patrons. <br />Evidence of the completion of such training must be maintained on the premises <br />and available for inspection upon request by the City. <br />7. During those times when patrons are restricted to 21 years of age or older, the <br />applicant shall at all times utilize an age verification means or device for all <br />purchases of alcoholic beverages. Such verification of age is not intended to <br />discriminate against patrons based on race, ethnicity or legal status, but only to <br />comply with state law restricting the sale of alcohol to those 21 and older. <br />8. Queuing lines shall be managed in an orderly manner and all disruptive and /or <br />intoxicated patrons shall be denied entry. The business owner, or his designee, <br />shall be responsible for monitoring the queuing lines at all times. <br />EXHIBIT 7 <br />31 A' - -A 9 <br />
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