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Section 5.2 of this Agreement. <br />10.1 Statements, Promises and Representations Made Prior the Execution of the <br />Development Agreement. Each Party acknowledges and agrees that the other Parties will not be <br />bound by any statement, promise or representation made by the disclosing Party's staff during <br />the Negotiation Period or arising from or related to the Project, and that each Party shall be <br />legally bound only upon the approval of the Development Agreement by the applicable <br />governing authority of such Party; provided; however, that each Party agrees that it is bound by <br />the Binding Terms (as defined below) of this Agreement. <br />10.2 No Representations About Future Agreements. Each Party further <br />acknowledges and agrees that nothing in this Agreement or a Party's cooperation in satisfying its <br />obligations under this Agreement shall be deemed a promise, representation or guaranty that the <br />Parties will reach any future agreement, enter into the Development Agreement or unless <br />memorialized in another agreement or otherwise agreed to that the CITY will provide financial <br />assistance for the Project. <br />11. Default. <br />11.1 Cure. Failure or delay by either Party to perform any material term or <br />provision of this Agreement shall constitute a default under this Agreement. If the Party who is <br />claimed to be in default by the other Party cures, corrects or remedies the alleged default within <br />thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of written notice specifying such default, such Party shall <br />not be in default under this Agreement. The notice and cure period provided in the immediately <br />preceding sentence shall not, under any circumstances, extend the Negotiation Period. If there <br />are less than thirty (30) days remaining in the Negotiation Period, the cure period allowed <br />pursuant to this Section 11,1 shall be automatically reduced to the number of days remaining in <br />the Negotiation Period. <br />11.2 Notice. The Party claiming that a default has occurred shall give written <br />notice of default to the Party claimed to be in default, specifying the alleged default. Delay in <br />giving such notice shall not constitute a waiver of any default nor shall it change the time of <br />default. However, the injured Party shall have no right to exercise any remedy for a default <br />under this Agreement, without first delivering written notice of the default. <br />11,3 Breach. If a default of a Party remains uncured for more than thirty (30) <br />calendar days following receipt of written notice of such default, a "breach" of this Agreement <br />by the defaulting Party shall be deemed to have occurred. Except as expressly provided in this <br />Agreement, in the event of a breach of this Agreement, the sole and exclusive remedy of the <br />Party who is not in default shall be to terminate this Agreement by serving written notice of <br />termination on the Party in breach. <br />11.4 Confid~entialitIBreach, Without prejudice to the rights and remedies <br />otherwise available to DEVELOPER, because an award of money damages would be inadequate <br />for any breach of the CITY's obligations contained in Section 5.2 and any such breach would <br />cause the DEVELOPER irreparable harm, the CITY agrees that, in the event of any such breach <br />or threatened breach of the CITY's obligations contained in Section 5.2, the DEVELOPER shall <br />-9- <br />486772'28.1 <br />25C -13 <br />