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PROGRAM ASSURANCES AND STANDARDS <br />There are adequate funds to relocate all the households that would be displaced if the <br />Project is implemented. Relocation services will be provided to ensure that <br />displacement does not result in different or separate treatment of households based on <br />race, nationality, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, familial status, <br />disability, or any other basis protected by the federal Fair Housing Amendments Act, the <br />Americans with Disabilities Act, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VIII of the <br />Civil Rights Act of 1968, the California Fair Employment and Housing Act, and the <br />Unruh Act, as well as any other arbitrary or unlawful discrimination. <br />SUMMARY <br />The purpose of this Plan is to evaluate and assess the needs of residential and <br />business displacees impacted by the proposed Project. Based on information gathered <br />from interviews, site inspections and survey data, adequate sites are available to <br />successfully relocate residential and business displacements. Therefore, the Project <br />will not require special consideration other than Last Resort Housing. <br />However, given the proposed project timing, it will be critical to gain cooperation from <br />each resident and business owner, to allow sufficient time to identify a relocation site, <br />obtain cost estimates, complete any physical improvements, navigate the permitting <br />process, and complete the escrow process if a replacement site is being purchased. <br />IV. RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM <br />The City will be providing a comprehensive Relocation Assistance Program to all families <br />and businesses displaced by the Project. The City's Relocation Program is designed to <br />minimize hardship and be responsive to unique project circumstances. Services will be <br />provided in such a manner to ensure consistent and equal treatment of displacees, <br />without regard to race, nationality, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, family <br />status or disability. <br />Paragon has been retained by the City to administer the Relocation Program. Relocation <br />representatives will be available to assist all displaced households and businesses. Staff <br />can be contacted by calling the phone number listed below, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. <br />Monday through Friday at: <br />Paragon Partners, Ltd. <br />5762 Bolsa Avenue, Suite 201 <br />Huntington Beach, CA 92649 <br />Office 714 - 379 -3376 / Fax 714. 373 -1234 <br />The City's comprehensive Relocation Assistance Program consists of advisory and <br />financial assistance. These principal components will be implemented in accordance with <br />the California Relocation Assistance Law (Government Code 7260) and the California <br />Code of Regulations, Title 25, Chapter 6, as amended. <br />556-19 <br />