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Barela, Rosa <br />Subject: FW: City Council Hearing <br />From: Retlek rmai Ito: rvw@retlek.coml <br />Sent: Monday, September 08, 2014 10:41 AM <br />To: McCann, Melanie <br />Subject: City Council Hearing <br />Dear Melanie: Please forward my email to all City Council members asking that they approve the Harbor Corridor Mixed <br />use Transit Corridor Specific Plan at the September 16 hearing. This plan is good for all of Harbor Blvd. My company <br />owns the Riverview West Shopping Center with Walmart, which is located at the Harbor Blvd /McFadden cross streets. <br />We look forward to the approval of this plan so we can upgrade our property which will improve the area tremendously. <br />If any council members have any questions, please have them call me at (714) 654 -4658. Sincerely, Richard P. Kelter. <br />Owner <br />Rio Vista West, LLC <br />Retlek Management Services, LLC <br />3303 Harbor Blvd., Suite D -1 <br />Costa Mesa, CA 92626 <br />Telephone: 714- 557.0456 <br />Fax: 714 - 557.0442 <br />This e -mail is covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. 2510 -2521 and is legally privileged. This information is confidendentlal <br />information and is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or <br />agent responsible for deliving this electronic message to the interneded recipient, you are noticited that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this <br />communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify us immediately by reply e-mail or by telephone at (714)557 -0456, <br />and destroy the original transmission and its attachments without reading them or saving them to disk or otherwise. <br />75B -84 <br />