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SUBMISSION OF BIDS: AGREEMENT TO ASSIGN <br />In accordance with Section 4552 of the Government Code, the BIDDER shall conform to the following <br />requirements: in submitting a bid to a public purchasing body, the BIDDER offers and agrees that if the <br />bid is accepted, it will assign to the purchasing body all rights, title, and interest in and to all causes of <br />action it may have under Section 4 of the Clayton Act (15 USC Sec. 15) or under the Cartwright Act <br />[Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 16700) of Part 2 of Division 7 of the Business and Professional <br />Code], arising from purchases of goods, materials, or services by the BIDDER for sale to the purchasing <br />body pursuant to the bid. Such assignment shall be made and become effective at the time the <br />purchasing body tenders final payment to the BIDDER. <br />PRIOR TO BID <br />The BIDDER shall be held to have examined the Plans and Specifications, visited the project site and <br />fully informed himself/herself as to all existing conditions and limitations involved in the work. The <br />BIDDER shall have included in the contract price a sufficient sum to cover all items, either labor or <br />materials, that are required or implied for a complete project as shown on the Plans and described in the <br />Specifications and other contract documents. <br />REVIEW OF BIDS <br />The AGENCY will check each bid item Unit Price and Amount for all bids submitted. In case of a <br />discrepancy between the correct product of the Unit Price multiplied by the Quantity and the Amount <br />entered by the BIDDER, the correct product shall prevail. In case of a discrepancy between the correct <br />sum of the individual Amounts and the total Bid entered by the BIDDER, the correct sum shall <br />prevail. If a Unit Price is not legible or is missing, the Amount for that contract bid item shall be <br />divided by the Quantity to arrive at the Unit Price. If both the Unit Price and the Amount of the <br />Contract bid item are left blank or are illegible, the entire Bid shall be rejected. <br />More than one proposal from an individual, firm, partnership, corporation, or combination thereof under <br />the same or different names will not be considered. <br />Reasonable grounds for believing that any individual, firm, partnership, corporation or combination <br />thereof is interested in more than one proposal for the work contemplated may cause the rejection of all <br />proposals in which such individual, firm, partnership, corporation, or combination thereof is interested. <br />If there is reason for believing that collusion exists among the BIDDERS, any or all proposals may be <br />rejected. Proposals in which the prices obviously are unbalanced may be rejected. <br />LABOR DISCRIMINATION <br />Attention is directed to Section 1735 of the Labor Code, as added by Chapter 643, Statutes of 1939, <br />which reads as follows: <br />"No discrimination shall be made in the employment of persons upon public works because of the race, <br />religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, medical condition, marital status, or <br />sex of such persons except as provided in Section 1420, and every contractor for Public Works violating <br />this Section is subject to all penalties imposed for a violation of the Chapter." <br />A copy of the Certification of Nondiscrimination by Contractors, as provided with this Specification, <br />shall be executed by BIDDER and submitted with his /her Proposal and Contract. <br />vi <br />