<br />Reolacenment of Trash Reccntacle Liners: All soiled or torn trash receptacle liners shall
<br />be placed with a new trash receptacle liner, The liner shall be replaced in such a manner
<br />as to present a neat uniform appearance,
<br />bypt and Fixtures: Remove smudges,
<br />fingerprints, marks, streaks, tape, etc, from the surface of ledges, windows,, partition
<br />glass, window sills, fire extinguishers; counter tops, walls, doors, door frames and sills,
<br />pictures, partitions, rails, and other types of fixtures and surfaces, This includes all items
<br />from the floor surface to l l feet in height, Care shall be taken not to permanently mark,
<br />scratch or discolor the surfaces.
<br />Spot Gleaning of rrash Receptacles: Remove nonpermanent stains and soil from the
<br />interior and exterior of trash receptacles.
<br />FOUce. N AC111ty & .tail),: Remove cobwebs from overhead surfaces and lights affixed to
<br />the building entryway areas. This includes cleaning the exterior of glass and metal doors,
<br />door thresholds and hardware, Sweep the (2) two fourth floor patios and wipe dawn their
<br />handrails and railings. Sweep or hose down the paver area outside the Community Room
<br />entrance and wipe down the handrails outside the Police Department lobby, Sail lobby
<br />and Community Room. Remove any litter, cigarette butts, or bird droppings in these
<br />areas too.
<br />workstation Glass: Clean both sidess of all surrounding building entry door glass and
<br />entry doors for a. uniform appearance free of 411 smudges, fingerprints, stains, streaks,
<br />lint, etc, Reprove any paper and tape, Clean all mirrors in restroo in, lockerrooms, and
<br />fitneo center in the same manner as above, Spot clean office and work station glass as
<br />needed on a daily basis. Clean glass entrance doors to police Facility and Sail twice daily,
<br />Cleaninz of Micro rave (D =: Clean inside and outside of all microwave ovens,
<br />removing crumbs and spills.
<br />Parking areasi: Empty trash receptacles and smoking urns in patio, balcony areas, and
<br />parking areas. Clean receptacles as needed each time. This includes receptacles that may
<br />be, placed outside any entry doors, such as outside the, front of the police department, jail
<br />and police community rooms, employee north entrance areas.
<br />Breakdmwu of Cardboard Bgxes: Cardboard cartons are to be, broken down flat and put
<br />into the proper trash container, including any boxes on the loading dock,
<br />