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A. The employee must be certified by the Executive Director of Personnel <br />Services, or his or her designee, as having satisfactorily demonstrated <br />conversational fluency in both English and the second language for <br />any position requiring bilingual capacity. <br />B. Positions where it has been determined by the Department Head that <br />bilingual proficiency is essential to carry out duties and responsibilities <br />of a critical and /or emergency nature without ready access to <br />backup assistance, or positions where bilingual public contact is a <br />major, essential or integral element of the work being performed, shall <br />be designated as Primary Bilingual Assignments. A qualified incumbent <br />of such position shall be paid a monthly differential of one hundred <br />seventy -five dollars ($175) above his /her then - current base monthly <br />salary step. <br />C. Positions where it has been determined by a Department Head that <br />regular and frequent bilingual usage is necessary to the performance <br />of duties, but not a major, essential or integral element of the work, <br />shall be designated as Secondary Bilingual Assignments. A qualified <br />incumbent of such position shall be paid a monthly differential of forty <br />dollars ($40) above his or her base monthly salary step for each full <br />month of such assignment. <br />D. The number of such Primary and /or Secondary Bilingual Assignments <br />shall be no larger than the requirements of the department as <br />determined by the Department Head and the City Manager. <br />E. There shall be periodic recertification of such bilingual capability. <br />F. All assignments to positions set forth in this Article shall be made or <br />revoked at the discretion of the Department Head. <br />G. If the City modifies the amount of bilingual pay for any other <br />bargaining unit during the term of this agreement, CASA agrees to <br />form a Joint Labor Management (JLM) committee with the City to <br />review bilingual pay provisions and assignments (see also Article XX1, <br />Section 21.3.13). <br />6.4 Shift Differential. <br />A. Generally. An employee in a classification represented by CASA who <br />is continuously and regularly assigned to a schedule of work which <br />requires that he or she actually work a minimum of four and one -half <br />(4'/2) hours between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., shall be paid <br />a shift differential for his or her entire work shift at a rate set ten (10) <br />CONFIDENTIAL ASSOCIATION OF SANTA ANA (CASA) MOU: 2014 -2015 Page 19 <br />