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may, at the discretion of the presiding officer, be ejected from the meeting. <br />Further disturbance during the meeting may lead to arrest. <br />(i) Members of the public may bring signs or placards into the city council <br />chamber during a meeting provided that such signs or placards are <br />limited to the last row of the City Council Chambers or those <br />persons are standing along the back of the walls of the council <br />chambers. For public safety purposes, no signs or placards mounted on <br />sticks, posts, poles or similar structures shall be allowed in the meeting <br />rooms. Other signs, placards, banners, etc. shall not disrupt meetings or <br />interfere with others' visual rights. Such signs or placards may be <br />displayed or distributed outside the building or in the City Hall lobby so <br />long as they do not disrupt the meeting. Handouts or printed materials <br />may be distributed in the city council chamber prior to the council meeting <br />or in the lobby outside the city council chamber. <br />Q) Food prohibited. No food shall be permitted in the city council chamber. <br />(k) All cell phones, pagers, or electronic devices belonging to the public, press, <br />or personnel that may be disruptive must be placed on vibrate mode, quite <br />mode or be turned off while a meeting is in session. Council members shall <br />make every effort to minimize use of personal cell phones while in session. <br />(1) The presiding officer shall have the power and responsibility to enforce <br />decorum and order of the meeting as set forth herein in order to ensure that <br />the People's business is run in an efficient manner, that meetings are held <br />without disturbance. Among the means of enforcement, the presiding officer <br />may order the podium microphone turned off and /or video broadcast <br />interrupted when the presiding officer has determined that an individual or <br />group has disrupted the meeting, or the individual or group has exceeded <br />their allotted time to speak without permission of the presiding officer. <br />(m) Enforcement of Decorum. The rules of decorum shall be enforced in the <br />following manner: <br />1. Warning. The presiding officer shall request that a person who is <br />breaching the rules of decorum be orderly and silent. If, after <br />receiving a warning from the presiding officer, a person persists in <br />disturbing the meeting, the presiding officer shall order him or her, <br />to leave the council meeting. If such person does not remove <br />himself or herself, the presiding officer may order any law <br />enforcement officer who is on duty at the meeting of the Council to <br />remove that person from the Council chambers. <br />Ordinance No. NS -XXX <br />50A -8 Page 5 of 8 <br />