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�1- Irn-. <br />decision shall be in writing and may be accepted, rejected or modified by the <br />Santa Ana Workforce Investment Board. <br />F. Issuance of Decision <br />Within sixty (60) calendar days of filing of the complaint, the Santa Ana LWIA <br />shall issue a written decision to all parties by first class mail. The final decision <br />shall contain the following information: <br />The name of the parties involved, <br />A statement of the alleged violation and issues related to the alleged violation. <br />A statement of the facts. <br />The decision and the reasons for the decision. <br />A statement of corrective action, if any, to be taken. <br />Notice of the right to request, within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of the <br />decision, a review of the decision by the State Review Panel. <br />The final disposition of the complaint at the LWIA level will be issued to the <br />complainant in writing along with a listing of further options, i.e., filing with the <br />State of California, Compliance Review Divison. <br />G. Record of Hearing <br />An administrative file containing support documents on the complaint resolution <br />process hearing conducted will be retained by the Santa Ana LWIA. The purpose <br />of a record is to serve as substantiation of the process followed by the Santa Ana <br />LWIA on the resolution of the issues and the results. This information would then <br />be available for subsequent review in the event the matter is raised with the <br />State. Such records must be retained for a three -year period after the grant has <br />been officially closed out. <br />The Santa Ana LWIA's written decision will be included in the record. Evidence <br />received at the hearing, notes by the hearing officer, stenographer's notes and <br />tape recordings may also be used. <br />H. Appeal at the State Level <br />If during the 60 -day period, the LWIA offers the complainant a resolution of the <br />complaint, but the resolution offered is not satisfactory to the complaint, the <br />complainant, or his /her representative may file an appeal with the State of <br />California Compliance Resolution Department. This also applies if the LWIA has <br />IM <br />